Chapter 10: Nuisance!

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Ms. Bryant's Class (1st Period)

(Myaa notices Trey staring at Lisa from across the room)


Myaa: Hmm

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Myaa: Hmm...

Trey: ...

Myaa: (She's cute...)

Chatham Hallway

(Students roam the hallways)

(Myaa meets Shaun at his locker)

Myaa: Where's Cliff?

Shaun: I guess he didn't wanna come because of yesterday. Can't blame him. But since he's not here, let's hear about you and Trey. Have you talked to him at all today?

Myaa: Yeah... We actually had a really good, deep talk. But I can tell he likes someone else already.

Shaun: So by pointing that out, you're telling me that you actually do like him?

Myaa: Um... No, I —

Shaun: I mean, it's okay if you do.

Myaa: No, I just think he's real chill. At the most I'd like to just be his friend.

Shaun: ... Heh, I suppose.

Myaa: Besides, I'm not looking for any boyfriends. Especially after what happened yesterday. He may have hurt me in the past but to see that happen to him...

Shaun: Yeah, it's okay to feel bad for him but don't go catching feelings for him just because he took a bullet.

Myaa: It's not like that.

Shaun: Sure, Myaa. Sure.

(Shaun walks away)

(Gvon waves at Myaa as he walks past her)

(Myaa waves back)

(Jordan walks up to Trey at his locker)

Jordan: Bro, that shit yesterday...

Trey: I would rather not talk about it.

Jordan: I know, but what was that even about?

Trey: The pettiest thing it's could've possibly been about.

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