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Chapter one(1)

" Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything"

Chapter one

The awakening ray fell on her face when her mother Terren opened the windows, "Up, up and awake little monkey" she called out.

"Mum....! It's still 7 am" she cried out groggily and Terren answered "So you are willing to miss all of this music?" and indeed there was music to hear. The birds singing and the crickets chirping, the sound of the ocean breathing as it crashed in waves; the three together made the best music anyone could ever hear.

The sun's warmth on her face and the music of the beautiful phenomenon of nature left her breathless for the moment. It was like this every day, the warmth of the sun awoke her just like the myth related to sirens of the Maestro's love. Alive and so sweet and daring that they relinquished their right to life and sacrificed it for a voice that was everlasting and went beyond space and time.

A voice that put even the Greek Gods to sleep. Even Zeus in all his Glory was a victim of such passion and power of the lyrics in the ocean.

"Come to reality before you start making the impossible Ashanti!

" How did I even find out about Zeus? " Shanti mumbled.

She was so taken by the magic of the silent instruments playing and how amazing it takes one with the music heart to listen and hear the voice of the strings of guitar playing. There were other instruments which mixed to give here the perfect beat.

"This is Magic!!!" She exclaimed seeping it in.

She felt it and it awoke the long lost passion she thought she had lost when her dad passed on. She was tempted to shut down and cry but she said to herself this is the only way, this is her perfect fantasy.

"This is for you dad. My perfect fantasy."

She was so silent she could hear her own breath and chills in her stomach were too strong to resist. She was so silent and so taken she could not stop herself.

"This is home and this is the perfect place to let it out." While the tune of an orphan played at the background and the strings of an imaginary girl all in her head. She made magic, the magic of the perfect fantasy, she busted into a whole new song.

" This is my perfect fantasy

This is the one of love, peace and belonging.

This is the longing I have been waiting for

While decades go by.

If I may die,

I die knowing my perfect fantasy.

This is my perfect fantasy.

The sun reaching out to the surface for a hug

And the beauty of the ocean strings tings

The perfect jazz tunes of the Earth

Igniting the passion with each breath,

The birds embracing fate as it comes

This is my perfect fantasy.

My fantasy...........

Oh, perfect fantasy.

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