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Chapter Two 2

"Music makes the world"

Tainted Truth 

“ You will never amount to anything! ” said Mr. Richardson. 

“Music isn't a young child’s business and in this world, all it takes for someone to succeed in life is for the person to have a potential and destination in life. This guitar you are always on is not going to lead anywhere in life, I repeat, nowhere! You would end up being where you are, being a failure, and raising a failure for the family. Quincy, I repeat you would not amount to anything! ” Mr. Richardson spoke with such anger it could chill someone's bones into believing every single word he said. 

Quincy looked at his Dad in horror, fear, and panic. He could feel the warmth in his body turning cold, with the adrenaline rushing from his spine and into his fists, he wished he could punch him in the face but no, he had to hold his horses. He was still his dad no matter how much of an ass he sounded like, he still remained his dad.

"How am I going to prove to him that I am mean to do more than just a position? He’s my Dad but sometimes, I wish I was given birth to by someone else. Oh, wait! I won't wish that, I'd say why marry someone like him, mom? " Quincy murmured to himself as his dad walked away in utter disappointment. 

"Why would you leave me in the hands of this cruel man, Mum? Of all the men in the world! You didn’t see anyone but this selfish relentless cold-hearted horse of a man, you called a husband? " Quincy continued to himself. 

"Life is not what it used to be in the olden days, why would my mum force herself to marry him? Why wouldn’t she fight for her right? Why did she agree to this arranged marriage? Didn't she know there were a lot of men out there who would treat her right? Like the amazing young woman she was. I don’t even know how to smile anymore because this man drains all the joy out of me!"

As his father was walking out of the house, he looked through the window and saw the Limousine that his father drove home with his chauffeur. He shook his head, he was frustrated, there was a huge thing he missed in his life. 

"Come on, life is not what it seems to be in this castle-caged building, this is not what I’m asking for, I want a real-life. I want my own life, I want a real adventure, I want to be able to feel the music, I want to be able to feel the beats."

"I love the guitar, why can't this man let me have it, why is life so cruel?" 

"No! this isn’t the end of it! I am going to make it and this time I'm not falling in his plan of the legacy! Not as his Dad did to him and their Forefathers before him. I'm not going to sit here and wait for my marriage to be arranged for any random person! I'm not going to sit here and wait for some tradition. I'm not going to sit here and wait for some soft story to tell my kids that I am going to make it and this time following my passion, following my dream, following what I believe my Mum taught me to believe in."

After he said this to himself, he walked out of the room and went straight to the library where he had to build a mini studio behind the bookshelf, that Dad knew nothing about. Well, after all, he never came to the library, he only wanted the building. He came into existence after his mom fell sick. 

The library was the most beautiful and peaceful place in the whole house. It was his mom's dream as well. He always went there as an escape, all he did while there was read Romeo and Juliet, a love that never died, this was a true love story.

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