Not Good

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Another explosion was launched on the poor castle.

Kazuma: Oh, that was good. The explosion's shock waves practically reverberate through my flesh and bones and yet the delayed vibrations of the air seem to strike my skin. Nice explosion!
Megumin: (While laying on the ground) Nice explosion!

Y/N: I should call you Killer Queen from now on.

Megumin: You've also come to understand the path of explosions, Kazuma and Y/N. How about it? Why not learn explosion magic for real?

Kazuma: It could be fun to acquire it in the future, when I can afford to.

Megumin: And you, Y/N?

Y/N: I might try it in the future, too.

Megumin: That's a great attitude.

In the guild.

Aqua: (crying) No! Anything but my recovery magic! Don't take away my reason for being! You've got me for that! Isn't that enough?!

Y/N: What did you do to her, Kazuma?

Kazuma: I told her she's useless and that recovery magic's the only thing going for her.

Y/N: I see.

Megumin: You're verbal lashings are pretty nasty. Most women would cry if you said what was on your mind without holding back.

Darkness: If you're feeling stressed out, I wouldn't mind if you verbally abused me instead.

Aqua stops crying. After Kazuma looked at her again she starts again.

Aqua: You're so cruel!

Kazuma: Why you little...

Luna: Emergency! Emergency! All adventurers, please arm yourselves at once and gather at the front gate of the city, ready for battle!

Y/N: Not good.

At the front gate.

Random Adventurer 1: Hey now, that's no laughing matter!

A man on a horse who was holding his own head in his arm was standing there menacingly.

Aqua: What is it?

Kazuma: Hey, what's going on? He looks crazy strong!

?: I'm the leader from the Devil King's army and I've recently moved into a nearby castle.

Darkness: That's Dullahan?

Dullahan: Day after day, after day, after day! Wh-Who's the psychotic imbecile who keeps firing explosion magic at my castle every single day?!

Y/N: (thoughts) Not good.

RA 2: Explosion magic?

RA3: Who comes to mind that can use explosion magic?

Adventurers: If we're talking explosion magic...

Y/N: (thoughts) They're turning to us, not good.

Megumin looks away. The adventurers turn to a woman who was ,like Megumin, holding a staff.

Woman: Huh? M-Me?! Why are you looking at me? I can't use explosion magic!

Kazuma: (thoughts) Um, I'm still a novice.

Woman: Uh, I really didn't do it! Please, believe me! I don't want to die yet! I have little brothers to take care of!

Megumin starts walking to Dullahan.

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