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"Got plans?"

Juan paused mid-step when he noticed me walking alone. He knows how unfamiliar I am of the campus with or without my car.

Unluckily for me though, it was the latter.

"Yep," he replied. "Going to USTe, ikaw? Where's your car?"

I only shrugged in response. The truth was, I forgot where I parked it. I was just supposed to be out for a jog but then my mind keeps flying into different things and the next thing I knew, I was lost.

Juan was the first person I recognized ever since I realized it was the case.

"USTe na naman? Don't you get tired driving almost everyday to Manila?" I asked.

Almost after every practice, Juan always leaves first for Manila and we found out it's because of a girl from there. Juan earned more of my respect because of that.

Imagine driving that far for a girl despite feeling like you could anytime, with muscles sore and knees on the verge of giving up.

That was crazy.

The type of crazy I can't imagine myself getting into.

"Nah," Juan replied before entering his car. "It becomes worth it when I arrive."

I could only laugh at him in reply. He was so lovesick he can't even realize he's putting that girl over his own health already.

"Need a ride?" He asked as he revved up the engine.

I shook my head in response. I followed his car until it was already out of sight before I continued to walk with no direction in mind.

It was a blessing in disguise, how I was stuck walking mindlessly with no direction in mind. I managed to have the peace of mind I've always wished to have ever since we lost our final game in the season.

The same troublesome thoughts I knew plagued my teammates too. How we could've changed the end, the things that we could've done for things to have ended differently and everything in between.

Thunder rumbled and I looked up to notice that the sky was already dark-contrary to the light from the setting sun a while ago.

Raindrops started to pour and I was tempted to make a run for it before I realized that I didn't even have a location in mind. My phone and wallet were in my car and I had no reason not to enjoy the rain and so I did.

It was already dark by the time I felt the cold seep deep into my bones. I looked around and turned a corner when I noticed a waiting shed.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed a small figure with an umbrella. At a closer look, I realized the small figure was a woman.

The place was dim so I couldn't make out any of her features and I can only look at her in disapproval as she continued to walk towards the waiting shed.

Even back when I stayed in Australia, I've always heard of different crimes where women end up victims here in the Philippines. And it almost always seems to happen in dim places like where we currently were.

So instead of hastening my pace towards the waiting shed, I decided to take my time. The surrounding area after all were filled with bushes, places where criminals could easily hide and take advantage of her on first sight.

As though challenging my decision to sort of keep her company, the rain poured harder and it was then when I heard footsteps.

I paused in surprise and not a second later, a small body crashed directly into my back. Everything happened quickly then, surprise catching the both of us with only our instincts governing our acts.

Like Falling Rain // James Spencer FFWhere stories live. Discover now