Chapter 1: The Island

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I didn't know what was better, the boat ride itself, or arriving at a lame, broken down island. I step foot onto the dock as the host Chris Mclean introduces me to the other campers, and audience at home.

"And last but not least is Alisha."

"Hey Chris, good to be here, I think?" I respond, not even sure of that answer myself.

I join the other campers, judging them all as I walk by. I end up taking my place next to a goth girl who smiles at me.

"Hey, I'm Gwen."

"Alisha, but you already know that" I reply sheepishly.

Gwen chuckles a little.

As we listen to Chris rant on and on about what was install for us, I couldn't help but feel like someone was staring at me. I turn my head to see a guy with a green mohawk eyeing me, it kind of freaked me out not gonna lie.

Soon discovering the bed arrangements to be by gender and us being sorted into teams, me being put into the Killer Bass, we head to our cabins. I grab the bottom bunk under Bridgette who was a surfer girl that seemed rather approachable.

"So, Alisha, what's your story? What're you into?" Bridgette asks me as she sits on her bunk.

I shrug, "not much to tell really, I like drawing but that's about it."

I start unpacking my stuff, grabbing my sketchpad and putting it under my pillow for safe keeping whenever I would need it.

"Well that's something at least."

That's when we hear a high-pitched scream coming from the other cabins.

"What on earth?" Courtney questions before us campers go and check it out.

We get to the Screaming Gofers girls' cabin and see Lindsey standing on a chair, freaking out about a cockroach.

"Damn, that white girl has got some lungs on her" Leshawna states somewhat impressed.

"Somebody kill it!" Lindsey screams

Some of the boys had made their way into the cabin and had their attempts at killing the insect, each of them failing miserably until Duncan, who I learned was the name of the green mohawk guy; comes in with a hatchet and cuts off its head.

"Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach" I say, looking at the scene in front of me in disgust.

Duncan smirks at me.

Tyler approaches Lindsey and helps her down from the chair, pretending to be the hero.

"They always go for the jocks" Duncan says before pushing past us, making sure he bumps shoulders with me.

I roll my eyes at the stubborn juvie teen before heading back to my own cabin to finish unpacking.

"Listen up! I serve it three times a day and you will eat it three times a day!"

We all stand in line waiting to get our food served, listening to the crazy chef in the kitchen going off his nut as if we were cadets in a soldier camp.

"This guy totally needs a chill pill" I whisper, and Gwen laughs to herself.
"I don't even think a chill pill could calm this guy down."

"What was that? Did you depressed clothed girls have something to say?" Chef Hatchet questions talking about Gwen and me as we were both dressed in black.

"Nothing chef, just looking forward to the food" Gwen says, sarcasm hanging from her voice.

"I don't like suck ups and you'll learn that the hard way if you don't shut up and sit down!"

He serves us this slop on a burger bun that I'm pretty sure moved when it landed on my plate, but I wasn't about to speak up about it.

Due to being on separate teams, Gwen and I sat at different tables. I sit down and could only stare at my food. We were meant to be here for 8 weeks and would be living off of this crap?

I poke at my food in disgust.

"Careful, it might bite you."

I look to my right and see the juvie kid taking a seat next to me.

"It wouldn't surprise me honestly" I say pushing my plate away and facing him, "you're Duncan, right?"

"The one and only, I don't think I caught your name, Allison?"


"Close enough."

I was about to talk back but Chris enters the room interrupting me.

"Welcome to the main lodge!"

"Yo Chris my man, can we order pizza?" Geoff questions and almost loses his head when Chef Hatchet throws a butcher knife at the wall.

"Woah! It's cool g! Brown slop is cool, right guys?"

"Your first challenge begins in one hour."

Chris then leaves, probably thinking he was being dramatic, totally the opposite from my perspective.

"What do you think they will make us do?" Katie asks

"It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?" DJ questions with optimism, but boy was he wrong.

Hey gang! So this is my first ever Total Drama Island fanfic. I just started rewatching the series and thought I would write my own story and throw in an OC. I've read a few of these online and wanted to hopefully do something a little different and add my own spin on things. Let me know what you think!

Bad Boy - Total Drama Island (Duncan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now