Chapter 11: Trust is Key

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I sit at my team's table next to DJ, watching him feed and play with Bunny. I honestly couldn't get over the cuteness of that rabbit.

"I saw that!" I hear Courtney exclaim from behind me.

I look over at the coffee machine to see her scolding Duncan about a mug. When will she stop doing that to him?

"Control freak" I grumble under my breath and go back to my food before Duncan takes a seat next to me with Courtney not far behind him.

"But you might get kicked off" she says.

"Aww" Duncan patronises, "and here I thought you didn't care about me."

"We're one player short and I don't wanna lose because you feel like going all criminal on us."

I couldn't help but laugh, "stealing a mug is totally criminal, why don't you just back off Courtney and stop telling Duncan how to live his life and get a hold of yours."

"Thanks Lish" Duncan says before looking back Courtney with a smirk, "you, just dig me."

"Ugh why do I bother?" Courtney groans before walking off.

Duncan smiles to himself and I just roll my eyes.

We all meet on the dock to get our instructions from Chris for today's challenge.

"So, the last few challenges have exposed a few Gopher issues and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the bass pond too" Chris says.

Duncan elbows Courtney who shoves him to the ground.

"Suck it Duncan" I laugh.

"Oh shut up" Duncan says, grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the ground with him.

"There will be four major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time. More fun for me."

Oh boy, this should be fun.

First off was a rock-climbing challenge. Duncan and DJ were partnered up for our team while Gwen and Heather were partnered up for the Gofers. It was one hell of a watch. Gwen had dynamite explode in her face, Chris shot Heather and Duncan with hot sauce; Duncan clearly enjoying it and coming prepared with sunglasses. Heather had a nasty surprise for Gwen as she ripped her skirt off with another rope she tied on, causing all the boys to stare like the pervs they are. DJ then fell of the cliff face when Gwen's skirt dropped on his face. Duncan tried to catch him, however, got himself caught in the rope and the pair were now both hanging upside down.

"Gosh guys, stop hanging about" I call up smirking and Duncan grabs DJ's helmet before throwing it at me.

Gwen ended up completing the challenge, putting the Gofers in the lead.

Next up was cooking challenge that Geoff and Bridget were competing in for our team. One of them had to prepare a poisonous blow fish and serve it to the other team member. Our team took the win on that challenge whilst Linsey poisoned Trent. The poor guy was out for the rest of the day.

Following that was Courtney and Sadie. Courtney was to have an arrow sitting on her head that Sadie would have to try and knock off by throwing apples at her, blindfolded. She ended up knocking Courtney out who was then sent to the infirmary. This meant the Gofers were once again in the lead.

"Now, the blind trapeze" Chris introduces as we all stand around a wooden trapeze structure, "to avoid serious injury, the trapeze has been set up over this pond which is full of jellyfish."

We all gasp, so much for safety.

"You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump" Chris instructs, throwing Heather and I a blindfold.

Bad Boy - Total Drama Island (Duncan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now