Chapter 7: Face Your Fears

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That morning I wake up looking for my sketch book but it was gone. I was rush around the cabin looking for it and accidentally wake the girls up.

"Alisha, what's with all the racket?" Sadie asks

"I can't find my sketch book, it's not in my bag where I left it" I say as I look under my bedding to find nothing.

"Maybe you lost it in the forest?" Courtney suggests.

"No, I put it away, I know that for sure."

"Look, we'll find it today, no biggie, if not you'll just have to get a new one after the camp" Bridget says

"Ugh, but drawing is my only sanity."

"Come on, we have to get ready for today" Courtney says and I look at my empty bag with disappointment.

"Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call Phobia Factor. Prepare to face your worst fears" Chris says standing in front of us at breakfast and all our faces drop.

They had been listening into our conversation last night!

"Worse than this?" Lashawna questions poitning to her food.

"We're in trouble" Gwen adds

"Now, for our first victims" Chris says as he pulls out a card, "Heather, meet us all in the theatre, it's sumo time!"

Heather spits out her drink, it going all over Trent.

"Gwen, you, me, the beach, a few tons of sand."

"Wait, how did they know they were your worst fears?" Lindsey asks

"Because we told them" Gwen sighs

"At the campfire last night" Trent adds

"Wait, they were listening to us?" Lindsey asks

"It's a reality show Einstein. They're always listening to us" Gwen states.

"That's like eavesdropping."

"Chef Hatchet, didn't you have a special order for Tyler here today?" Chris questions and Chef Hatchet nods eagerly before passing Tyler a deep-fried chicken.

Tyler bites it's head off before almost being given a heart attack when a live one popped it's head out. Let the games begin.

First off we met outside where Beth would face her fear of bugs. But surprisingly, Beth jumped straight into the pool of them, doing the task with ease. Was that even her biggest fear? Then, Lindsey and Sadie were to wear horrible looking wigs on their head all day. Owen and Izzy were tasked with facing their fear of flying and being put in a plane, driven by Chef Hatchet. Even I wouldn't trust that and I'm not afraid of flying. Harold ended up facing ninjas in the bathroom and many more fears were faced. I was on my toes all day, wondering how Chris would do my fear. I mean, what rumour could they spread about me that would be realistic enough? DJ on our team had to face his fears of snakes and Courtney was not easy going about it. Whilst Duncan was cheering his friend on, she was yelling at the poor guy to hurry up. Lucky for us, DJ ended up facing his fear, giving us a point. Next up on our team was Duncan who had to face his fear of a Celine Dion cut out. Courtney stands with him as a way of encouragement but it really wasn't working.

"She's pretty. She's nice."

Maybe Courtney, that's why he's terrified?

"Just one hug and you're done" Chris says

"That-that looks really... real man" Duncan stutters.

"Dude she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!" Tyler yells causing Duncan to jump.

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