Chapter 8: Island Adventure

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I stand at the back of my group, not wanting to be here at all. I just wanted to hideaway in the cabin until I was eliminated. Then again, that would have to face Courtney who Duncan had decided to get even closer to since the whole incident. Duncan hadn't even looked at me once this morning, just pretended like I never existed. A lot of the campers were giving me odd looks as well after hearing what happened yesterday. They didn't know what to believe.

Today's challenge involved us canoeing to this spooky, cursed island where we would then have to carry our canoe's, build a rescue fire and then canoe back to where we started. We had to pair up with someone from our team and I doubted anyone would want to be my partner. Duncan ended up pairing with Harold which was a surprise and not at the same time because he could torture him all he wants, Bridget paired up with Courtney and Geoff with DJ, leaving me with Sadie. It could be worst honestly.

"Alisha, be my partner?" she asks excitedly.

"Sure, why not?" I shrug and we grab a canoe and push it out into the water.

When the gun goes off, Sadie and I paddle as good as we could together. It was nice being around someone different for a change. We got talking and learnt a thing or two from each other. Well, it was nice until my least favourite topic came up.

"So what happened between you and Duncan? Weren't you guys friends?"

"Um, yeah we were. Until yesterday that is."

"It's not okay what he did. He shouldn't have hurt you like that."

"Yeah, I know."

I look over and see Duncan continuously flicking water into Harold's face and I shake my head. If he wasn't mad at me, I bet Duncan and I would be having a right laugh. I just wish he would listen to me.

As we look ahead, fog starts surrounding the canoes, signifying we were at the island. We all hop out of our canoes and carry them through the forest, running as fast as we can. Everything was going fine until we were almost crushed by a tree and then chased by ginormous beaver monsters which was quickly followed by more running away from pterodactyl birds. My team soon over took the Gofers until we came across a fork in the road. We decided to go right as the path was wider. We were casually walking, the other team not insight when Geoff falls over oddly dramatically, complaining about his leg. I'm pretty sure he was just doing it for attention from Bridget as she has been ignoring him all day.

"You've got to go on without me" Geoff cries.

Courtney starts to walk away when DJ grabs her.

"We're not leaving any man behind. Not on my watch."

The guy literally had a splinter. A SPLINTER! I love Geoff but geez this was unneeded.

DJ and Harold ended up carrying Geoff on top of a canoe, whilst the rest of us continue to carry our own. Thanks to Geoff, we had fallen behind the other team who were already starting their fire.
"Great, now there's no way we'll catch up" Courtney groans.

That's when I get an idea, I just hope he'll listen to me.

"Hey Duncan, you got your lighter with you?" I ask and he looks at me for a second before reaching into his pocket and pulling his lighter out, starting our fire instantly.

"Alright! Quick thinking Ali" the group cheers.

This thankfully, put us back in the lead. Now we just had to make the fire as big as we could. We searched the beach for as many sticks as we could find, Harold unfortunately took it upon himself to burn all of our oars.

"How're we supposed to get home now?" Bridget questions.

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the Gophers fire. Thanks to Izzy and her firestarter, they took the win for best recue fire. Now it was time to get back to the beach on the main island.

Bad Boy - Total Drama Island (Duncan x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang