Chapter 12: Camp Who Now?

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I sit on the stairs with Geoff, playing a game of Go Fish whilst Duncan was carving a skull into the wall of our cabin.

"Got any 8's?" I ask.

Geoff shakes his head, "go fish."

I pick up a card from the pile.

The door to the boys side opens revealing Harold who looked annoyed, which was becoming the normal state of mind for him.

"Okay, who's made s'mores out of my underwear?" Harold questions and the boys chuckle to themselves.

I shake my head, of course they hadn't given up on pranking Harold.

Harold pulls a pair of underwear from the s'more sandwich he was holding and throws the chocolate covered material over the balcony, almost hitting Courtney.

"Eww!" she squeals, "you are so totally gross."

She then walks away and Harold tries to say it wasn't him.

"Idiots" Harold growls before slamming the door shut.

"Sometimes he just makes it too easy" Geoff sniggers

"I hear you man" Duncan agrees.

"Oh you guys are going to pay the price one day" I say, packing up the cards.

"Listen up you little cockroaches" Chef Hatchet announces over the camp speaker system, "I want all campers to report to the dock of shame at 0900 hours!"

The three of us look at each other confused as to why Chef Hatchet was announcing this and not Chris.

"That means now, soldiers, now!"

Once he says that, all of us go running to the dock.

We all stand in a line as Chef Hatchet paces in front of us, dressed in army getup.

"Line up and stand at attention" he orders, "you call this proper formation?"

Chef then begins to hit whoever wasn't standing correctly.

"Feet together, arms down, head forward, chin up!."

I end up copping a whack to the back, I bite my lip to stop myself from crying out.

"Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive."

Owen couldn't help but laugh for some reason which he soon regrets.

"My orders are to make sure all of the babies in front of me drop out of my bootcamp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team."

"Uh, what happened to Chris?" Heathers asks

"Rule number one – you will address me as Master Chief. Have you got that?"

"Yes Master Chief" we all chorus

"You will sleep when I tell you to sleep and you will eat only when I tell you to eat. Is that clear?"

"Yes Master Chief" Geoff responds.

"Rule number two – when you're ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell which brings me to rule number three – let's get one quitter before the end of the first day. That day will not end until someone drops out. Now get your butts down to the beach soldiers. Now, now, now!"

Before we could be told twice, we all run to the beach where we were faced with two canoes lying on the ground.

"Listen up. Each team must hold a canoe over their heads. I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated and no one eats lunch until someone drops out."

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