Chapter One

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They arrive on an almost new car,bought recently at a good price from a friend of a friend. Thanks to the latest happenings Sophia has been able of persuading the other one that they absolutely needed a new car. True or not, Roxanne disagreed for a long time before giving up. The purchase was another step towards an unexpected direction of her life.
Roxanne was driving, she had been adamant about it even if Sophia did not argued at all. The latter was not interested in spending the journey back to her parents' house driving.
For a long time Sophia had not been able to visit her family, usually due to Roxanne's work and the previous month had been even more frantic. Even though had been joyful and cheerful days, Sophia had not been able to share them with her dearest ones.
Parking in front of the house where Sophia spent her childhood, the young woman thinks about those precious memories.
Sophia remembers playing around in the neighbourhood or going for ice cream always in the same place, remembers high school nights spent out of some of her friends' porch or Sunday barbecue with neighbours. The moment sad thoughts inevitably come to her mind, Sophia shakes her head and decides to focus on the happy ones. She exits from the car taking a deep breath of fresh and clean air. She looks at the colourful houses on the sides of the street and feel she's finally home.
While Sophia was lost in her thoughts, Roxanne wearing her usual grey suit and with her blonde hair tied in a low ponytail, was absorbed by her smartphone. At some point Sophia turns around and tells her:-Rox can you please put that thing away at least for today?-
Sophia remembers about asking the same question over and over at the very least a hundred of times. Roxanne not even sparing a glance at her says:- You know that I have lots of work to do and this unexpected vacation messes up with my schedule and my clients are slightly unhappy about it-.
Sophia had promised herself to spend some peaceful days and tries to stay calm when talks again:- You know well that it's not a vacation but are only a few days at my parents house also it's not unexpected I've asked for weeks to come visit them-.
Roxanne decides to say nothing else and knowing her well Sophia understands that the conversation was over. While Roxanne seems to return to her world of clients and trials, Sophia takes her small backpack from inside the car and opens the backseat and stands to watch the beautiful sight in front of her. A baby with almost ebony skin like hers and straight black hair sleeping in her car seat hugging a total white peluche, a cute little wolf.
Sophia keeps admiring the beautiful baby with jean salopette and a yellow t-shirt, the breathtaking contrast between the light fur of the wolf and the dark tonality of the baby's skin. Sophia gently caresses the child head and says sweetly:- Baby girl, we need to wake up-
The girl slowly opens her big chocolate eyes and watches in her mother ones.
-Come on baby girl, we're finally going to meet grandpa and grandma- tells her Sophia taking the baby into her arms.
The little girl strokes her eyes and looks curiously at her mom not leaving the white wolf behind. While walking down the driveway followed by Roxanne, Sophia shows her babygirl the colourful flowers of the garden.
Once arrived in front of the house, Sophia rings the doorbell, only after a few seconds a mid age woman with short grey bob opens the door.

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