Chapter Seven

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Suddenly Alma starts crying, everyone looks at her startled. Sophia takes the child on her laps and rocks her back and forth but Alma keeps screaming at the top of her lungs. Nothing seems to calm her, Roxanne says:- Where is her pacifier?-
-It's in the kitchen because earlier she dropped it but I forgot to wash it, I think it's still in the sink- says Miranda sternly.
Understanding the problem almost immediately, Sophia asks:- Where is her peluche?-
-I don't know- says Roxanne standing up and starting to look for it like the others. After a few minutes of searching, Alma is still crying desperately. Lance goes to look in the car, Miranda search for it in the kitchen, Roxanne goes to the first floor while Noah keeps looking on the ground floor. Sophia uselessly tries to calm her daughter till
-Here, under the high chair- Noah shouts for all to hear him from the dining room.
Then everyone returns to the room, relief all over their faces and Noah comes back victorious with the peluche in his hands.
-Thank you a lot, she never leaves this wolf behind- tells him Sophia.
-Really?- asks Noah excited
-I swear, the last time I got to get both of them in the tub, it took hours to dry it-
Everyone laughs at Sophia's words and then she continues:- Mom, Dad thank you a lot for giving her this peluche. I don't know how you knew it, but this always works when is time to calm her down or put her to sleep-
-I am glad, but... it isn't one of our presents, Lance did you buy it?
-No, not that one-
-If it's not from you guys, who have this to us?-says Sophia looking around.
Noah doesn't make eye contact with anyone, he then scratch his neck nervously and Sophia notices his strange behaviour.
-What?- the young girl asks him
-Uhm... I did- answers Noah
-You?- asks again Sophia surprised and quite happy
-Well yes, when your parents told me you were pregnant, I went to buy something for the baby and the moment I saw it I thought it was perfect. I mean if she is even a little bit like you I thought she could like it- says Noah staring down at her.
Miranda and Lance sweetly smile at each other intertwining their fingers together. Roxanne with a bothered expression keeps listening them while Alma plays with the newly found stuffed animal.
-You remember?- says Sophia breathless, a first tear falling down her cheek.
-Of course, I do- says Noah wiping gently the tears away with his thumbs .
-Sorry, but what is this all about?- asks an annoyed Roxanne catching everyone attention.
-For the strength of the pack is the wolf...-starts Sophia
-... and the strength of the wolf is the pack- finishes for her Noah-
-Yeah, but still I don't understand- says more irritated Roxanne.
-Rox, is Kipling. I must have talked about this poem a million times-
Noah notices as Sophia starts to get mad and says:- It was one of Alma's favourite quotes. She thought of our group of friends as a small pack-
Sophia getting caught by memories says:- She always sad that we had to look out for each other. She was the glue that held us together-
Unable of holding back the tears once again, Sophia rests her head on Noah' shoulder and he says:- After she was gone, we fell apart. We all went to different colleges. I stayed in touch with Marcus and I know Sophia and Ginny call each other once in a while, but we completely lost contact with Matthew and Jenny a after a few months of college-.
Sophia feels it is up to her to lighten up the atmosphere and says:- Do you remember the time we wanted to go camping?-
-Of course that I remember, we spent weeks preparing all and after the day at the lake we realised we didn't have food. We got to call our parents to bring us back- says Noah chuckling.
-I remember that too, when you called your mother thought something happened with a hungry bear or something like that- laughs Lance.
-Mom, really? A bear?- says Sophia
- What? You were a group of teenagers alone in the woods and I was scared- explain herself Miranda.
-In the end all turned out pretty well that day, we stayed at Alma's all night and ate tamales and enchiladas-
-I forgot that, I always loved Gloria's tamales. Oh and you remember that time we helped her making tacos? Uh and her crazy burritos?- says Noah closing his eyes and imagining mouthwatering dishes with a cute smile they shows his dimples.
-Can you stop thinking about food for just a minute?- asks Sophia playfully shoving him off.
-Jewel you know me since we were what, ten? You know I can't- jokes Noah.
-Why do you keep calling her Jewel?- asks Roxanne with a mix of curiosity and irritation.
Ignoring her partner's tone, Sophia says:- Yeah, why? I never knew..-.

Hi guys 👋🏽
I'm finally back, I know it's been a while.
What do you think of friendship? Can be forever or it lasts less?
Please comment I really want to know what you think 💭
Kai ♥️

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