Chapter Five

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Hearing that name, Noah immediately makes eye contact with Sophia.
-You named the baby after her- says Noah smiling down at the young woman.
His eyes glassy, her smile brighter than ever before.
-Can I hold her?- asks shyly Noah, nervous about their answer. The scowl on Roxanne's face says more than words and uneasiness fills the room. Sophia stands still, not able to understand her partner reaction. She has always be the one concerned about Alma interactions with adults and others while Roxanne almost seemed to not care at all.
Thankfully in the same moment Miranda's voice is heard from the kitchen:- Noah, darling, you stay and eat with us, right?-
-How can I possibly say no to your cooking?- replies right away.
Lance enters with a large serving plate full of meat and winks at the young boy:- Great answer,son-
Sophia chuckling says:- So you only come here to take advantage of my parents' and run away from Alice's lack of cooking skills?-
-Absolutely- answers Noah with a smug smile.
Seconds later Miranda arrives with two bowls and says:- Here there are carrots and broccoli, Lance can you please go to the kitchen and bring the beans that are on the counter and the salad from the fridge?-
-Of course, love- answers Lance kissing his wife on the temple. Waiting for Lance everyone take a seat at the big table in the room. Sophia places Alma in the high chair between her and Noah's seats while her parents sit in front of them and Roxanne on her left.
She then goes for the baby food in her bag when Miranda says:- Honey why don't you save that for later? I made a banana purée for this cutie. It's a lot healthier and I remember you loved it when you were her age-.
In the meantime Lance comes back with two other big bowls and Sophia says:- Oh,thanks a lot Mom. Obviously I don't remember that, but I remember when Dad told me that one time he was forced to take a shower with me with both our clothes still on because I was having fun spitting all my food- concludes making the others laugh
-I wish it was only one time- says Lance shaking his head making everyone laugh harder. When they sober up Miranda says:- Girls, I'm so sorry for the meat but we didn't know you were coming. I hope the vegetables are enough-
-Don't you worry for me Mrs Evans and Sophia has changed her mind recently-is Roxanne's snide remark. Sophia glares at her and says:- You know it's not like that I thought it was better to eat meat while pregnant for both me and the baby. And now I'm still breastfeeding so it's not the moment to stop. We have talked about this and you've said you were fine with my decision-.
Roxanne doesn't wait a second to argue:-You said it right, it was your decision, as usual-
-What do you mean?-fights back Sophia
-That you do what YOU think have to be done, like buying a new car or organising holidays...or having babies-finishes Roxanne almost whispering the last two words.
Miranda gasps from her seat, Sophia's fork fall into her plate when she's about to say something Roxanne looks over Noah who's spoon feeding Alma and asks harshly:- What are you doing?-
Everyone turn into his direction, at fist Noah too much concentrated doesn't hear her but when she repeats the question he answers nonchalantly:- She was almost crying and I thought she was hungry-.
Noah and Roxanne keep staring at each other while Lance and Miranda look over their daughter who mortified takes the spoon left on the table and helps Alma to finish her lunch.
Sorry and regret all over her face while she focuses only on her baby girl. Knowing that it wasn't the moment or the place for that conversation. The other seems to understand it too when slowly small conversations start again and that episode is momentarily forgotten.

Hi Guys! 👋🏽
Maybe a little too much?
Please let me know what do you really think.
Kai 😘

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