Chapter Four

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Suddenly someone rings the doorbell, Lance enters the kitchen and says:-Angel can you finish set the table, while I'll go at the door?-
-Sure Dad no problem- Sophia goes to the dining room carrying Alma with her and sees Roxanne finishing set the table.
-Thanks Rox- she says putting the baby girl in the stroller.
-Yeah, well... I'm hungry-
-Ok..-says Sophia rolling her eyes, then she continues:- So were those you were talking about, important mails?-.
From the front door Sophia hears some voices but keeps listening to Roxanne speaking about her work, finally saying more than a sentence for the first time since they arrived.
Clearing her throat, Miranda makes the two girls turn around. Roxanne waits for someone to talk while both Sophia and the new guest seem surprised. Neither of them says anything, they keep staring at each other, almost petrified.
-Jewel- he whispers but loud enough to be heard by everyone in the silence of the room.
Sophia blushes a little, shaking off the surprise he says:- Sophia it's been years, come here and give me a hug!-
Sophia goes towards him and while walking she tries to catch every detail. He is still the muscular tall boy that she remembers, perfectly tanned as a swimsuit model with curly brown hair and a light stubble. Although she focus on one thing, those piercing grey eyes that were shining watching her come closer.
Finally standing in front of him Sophia says almost breathless:- Hi, Noah!-.
His name rolls off her tongue easily and he has never heard a more melodic sound.
Then she leans in for a hug and puts her arms around his neck feeling Noah holding her impossibly close.
-Gosh, it's great to see you- breaths out Noah resting his chin above her head.
-It's good to see you too, Noah-replies Sophia still wrapped in his arms.
After a few seconds they both let go and Sophia speaks to Roxanne:- Rox , you already know Noah, right?-
-Yeah, we met a few years ago- says Roxanne with a forced smile.
-Oh yeah I think it was three or four years ago on thanksgiving when Alice forgot to defrost the turkey- Noah chuckles
-Stop Noah, I bet Alice got better during the years-says confident Sophia.
-I would not be so sure about that, last week she burned an apple pie, she almost set on fire the kitchen- replies Noah.
-Ok, that's bad-ends Sophia making everyone laugh except Roxanne who asks:- And Alice is your girlfriend?-
-Thanks God no, considering also my inability in that department I would be starving or dead for intoxication right now. Alice is my stepmom- answers Noah making everyone laugh again.
Then Sophia asks:- So what are you doing here in town and at my parents house?-
-Are you already trying to get rid of me?- says Noah making Sophia shrug with a small smile on her lips then he continues:
-I actually live here-
-Really? I didn't know-
-Yeah, I moved back a couple of years ago after college, I always wanted to stay here-
-Yeah I remember, you have always loved this town-
-Of course I do. And to answer to the other question I'm here because I'm helping your dad with the fence in the backyard-
-Then thanks for saving the fence AND dad's life-
-Don't be over dramatic, I am perfectly capable of doing it on my own but alone it's boring- says Lance
-Sure, honey, whatever you say-makes fun of him Miranda.
-What brings you here instead? I mean it has been a long time- says Noah
-I know but these last months have been overwhelming and we come to officially introduce my parents to their granddaughter-
-Your parents told me it was a girl but I never really seen her. May I?- asks both Sophia and Roxanne. The latter just shrugs as if indifferent, Sophia goes to the stroller and Noah looks at her carefully.
Mid length dark hair, ebony skin, big expressive eyes and full lips. A cute white dress with sunflowers on it makes the perfect contrast. Lost in his thoughts, Noah remembers a long gone birthday when he drove to the near towns only to find her a bouquet of sunflowers in February.
Miranda takes the chance to go check on the lunch and Lance goes helping her. Roxanne instead sits at the table with her smartphone in hands, oblivious of the world around her.
Noah watches as Sophia takes a beautiful baby girl in her arms.
-Noah, this cutie here- says standing in front of him- is Alma-.

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