Chapter 1

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Long ago in a land we can only identify as Rome there lived an old  married couple named Pelias and Ortho. Pelias was a farmer and Ortho served as a handmaiden to a nearby family. The Capasso's. One day while Ortho was working at the Capasso's a thunderstorm struck. It was ragged and brutal, with harsh winds and rain that pelted holes in your roof and thunder so loud it could make buildings shake and shudder worse than the Twin Towers did on 9/11.
Ortho was a peaceful and sensible woman, but she had a soft spot for people in need. During the storm she was extremely surprised to hear a knock at the door.She was extremely Extremely surprised to hear a knock  in the middle of the storm. As I said before, Ortho was a sensible woman and didn't want to open the door, but she was drawn to it. Like she was fish on a fishing line and the fisher was reeling her in.  Ortho did finally open the door and who she found standing there was even more surprising than the knock at the door. At the door was an old woman. She was dressed in rags and her face was black with dirt and grime, but her eyes were ablaze with life. Ortho took pity on this woman & invited her into the Capasso's home. She then fed her and washed her. It was said it took a total of 3 days to scrub away all the dirt and grime from her weathered face. After all this was done the storms seemed to be dying down and it was getting awfully late. It was so late at night that the darkness snuffed out every bright stay in the sky. Ortho didn't want to kick the old woman out, but she needed to get home. And that is why she asked the woman politely if she had anywhere to be. But the woman was oblivious and said "No, I don't." She said it in such a convincing tone you would never have guessed she was lying. But she was lying to my readers, she definitely was. But Ortho was smarter than that.  The woman asked if she could stay with Ortho. Normally Ortho would have agreed immediately, but she was pregnant and she just couldn't afford any one else in the house. The woman was smart enough to get the hint, but she still pleaded with Ortho. Ortho said she was so sorry and got up to leave, but the woman grabbed her wrist with surprising strength. The woman stood up with apparent ease and studied Ortho like she was a cow and she was contemplating whether to send her to the slaughter house. But Ortho didn't pick up on the look on her and smiled with sympathy instead and told her again how she could not house her. The woman then revealed a delighted grin as if expecting this would happen. Her eyes glowed with a fierce intensity and the old woman then whispered these exact words "You will regret this." Then she vanished in a flash of light, casting a brilliant milky white glow over the house. That my friends was Night. Ruler of well night. You see back then three gods ruled the earth. Day, Night, and Earth. Night is the only god that still existed today. Sun faded away when she gave her powers to my father and uncles. Earth is still a mystery to this day. We all just assumed she faded. Now back to the story.
Ortho had never heard of Night, but Night had heard of Ortho. Pilias was secretly Night's son and Night was testing Ortho to see if she was right for her son and right to be a mother of her children's sons. Night believed Ortho didn't pass the "test" and didnt have enough common sense to raise her grandchildren so  she devised a plan so horrible that it made the Holocaust look like a kids birthday party. Around the time Ortho gave birth to her five sons Night birthed five as well. Nights five sons were born to oppose each of Ortho's five sons. But Night's sons were much too powerful for Orthos' sons'.And thank the SUNS the goddess Day noticed and took pity on Ortho.

So Day (goddess of the suns and everything light) bestowed each of Orthos sons with gifts and immortality. Day (as I said before) then faded and passed her duties on to my father and Uncles

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