Chapter 5

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Regia Sol is.....different. Not exactly bad, different, but different, different.  Don't get me wrong it's stunning. It got beautiful tapestries illustrating heroic events that happened between night, day, and earth and it has stunning mosaic tile that shimmers like a thousand gems. The arched walls are draped with cloth and the domed glass ceiling gives way to a beautiful crystal clear sapphire sky. But the five suns have very different personalities. So the Regia Sol has to fit their personalities. There are five thrones crowded around a hearth in the center of the room. But those five thrones are decorated according to their personalities. To sum it up it looks like a bunch of furniture from different eras are stuck into one room and are expected to look nice together.
The moment I fall through the portal and trip over my shoelaces (ending up with me sprawled out on the tile floor like a lazy cat) I notice my father in a far corner talking with Layla. I pick myself up and steady my breathing. I furiously wipe at the corners off my eyes then casually stroll up to them. "Hey guys" I smile, giving one of my signature toothy grins. They stop talking and swivel their heads towards me.Layla breaks out in a grin and runs over to me, tackling me in a hug. "I wasn't dead, you know" I laughed into her hair. She pulls back "We thought something happened to you." "Nah, I'm good" I calmly replied. Layla leans back in and squeezes me so tight I thought I was gonna pop. "You got us worried there kiddo" my dad said, his white robe ruffling in the wind. My father is a genuinely all around nice guy. He has straw white hair like mine that goes perfectly with his robes, and likes to wear bright accessories to show off his personality. Today it was some green offwhite sneakers which I personally loved. I don't notice any harsh undertones so I look up (with Layla continuously burying her head into my shirt like it's a big pillow, but hey I'm not complaining) and catch his eyes. For once in my life I see something completely new in his eyes. Fear. As quick as it was there, it's gone and he slaps on a sly grin, his mischievous glint reappearing to it spot in his eyes. "So.." he begins as I nestle my head into Layla's curls "Shall we go." And thus begins our journey to the Vacitiniums Lair.

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