Chapter 2

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Ortho's first son, Incrementum, was given the harvesting sun. The harvesting sun was the sun that fueled growth and life in plants. Incrementum now had the power to make vegetation grow. Orthos second son Aetas, was giving the aging sun. The aging sun was the sun that fueled growth and age in the human and animal populations. Aetas now had the power to make any animal or human age. Orthos third sun Mors was given the dying sun. The dying sun was the sun that caused drought and the death of plants and animals due to the lack of water and excessive sunlight (I know it's techy). Mors could now absorb any amount of water and summon the dying sun at any time to kill any plant or animal. Orthos fourth sun (my father Calor) was given the warming sun. The warming sun was the sun that fueled warmth and light. Carlor could now harness warmth and life (& if needed could blind his enemies with his rays of brilliant sunlight).  Ortho's fifth son Ambustum was given the burning sun. The burning sun was the sun that caused extreme sunburn and the weathering of humans and animals due to sunlight. Ambustum could cause anyone to burn and shrivel up like a Raisin Bran raisin which I thought was pretty unfair.  Now Night's children were given the opposite abilities. That's why they were born to oppose Orthos children. Now the five suns feared that Nights children would have more children. Which meant more enemies. So the five suns had kids with mortals to ensure their powers and abilities would be passed down.  Sort of like captive breeding.Nights kids can't be killed unless Night is killed, which cant happen unless the suns team up with their children (which is highly unlikely because they can barely remember our names on a day to day basis). So they die and vanish to a black oblivion in the earth than reform  and we just keep fighting them.
The five suns now spend their time maintaining order and occasionally fighting monsters up in a place in the clouds called Regia Sol. Their children Have all of the same abilities and try to live normal lives Aside from fighting Night's ugly grandchildren. Now my readers I have to end this chapter here, but keep reading. Just to warn you though this book is filled with horrors no one in their right mind could ever imagine. Have fun and brace yourself.

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