Chapter 1. Him

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Harry POV

It was almost 6.30 

Laying on my bed in my dormitory I saw the clock 6.29
I was still tired but I knew I had to get up, take a shower put on my clothes and than I should go downstairs making my way to the Great Hall to catch some breakfast.

While I was taking a shower I  just couldn't stop all my thoughts, there were many and I couldn't talk about it with anyone. It bothered me. I know I can always talk with Hermoine or with Ron, but you know some things are too personal. Well they know all about my dark past I don't want to talk about that now, but yeah I don't really feel anything for it to talk such personal stuff over with anybody.

I felt the water touch the tips of my lips, rolling down to my neck.
Oh i loved that feeling. I've got a very sensible neck.. down to my chest and nipples. Hmm they hardened at the touch of the warm water. Water touching me everywhere.
Gosh this is a "very goodmorning" i thought to myself and found myself smiling at that thought.
All of a sudden I heard Ron yelling at me "Harry! Hurry up I am hungry.. what're you taking for so long there buddy?"
Oh shit I forgot i was almost 15 minutes in the badroom enjoying myself with all those thoughts and forgetting about breakfast. Jeez now I even have to worry after my nice one-one moment with my self under the shower.  "I am coming Ron, go ahead! See ya at the table, need to brush my teeth and get dressed. " "Okay buddy, I'll get you a spot next to me".

I was dressed and headed downstairs. I was also  hungry and breakfast was delicious. The whole table was set and filled with lots and lots of food. I filled my plate and began at my breakfast.
I took a look at the teachers table. I felt eyes on my back for some reason and this time, I knew it wasn't Malfoy. I took a look at the teachers table and first I thought it was Dumbledore but it wasn't him. He was busy chatting with Ms. Mcgonagall. I was staring and suddenly I saw Professor Snape looking at me. I felt embarrassed I was staring at him without noticing he was looking all this time. Oh gosh, he must know I saw him. Staring at him like a fool. (He already thought I was a fool the way he always makes comments at me... jeez...)
Hermoine turned to me and said "Harry what's wrong? You look so shocked is something wrong?"
"No Hermoine it is nothing, don't worry.. I just feel a little well weird... that's all. I need some space. I'll take a litte nap in my bedroom ,see you later!"
Just before leaving the Great Hall I turned around and took another look at snape's direction..
The git.. he already turned his gaze from me..
An hour past by and Harry had to pack his bag and go to his first lesson of the day. Oh what does Harry hate that subject. Potion class from Snape.. After this morning I really doubt if I should go to that lesson. For some reason I had this ...
what was it..
weird feeling
(OMG do I have feelings for that greasy git?! NEVER)
For a moment Harry was confused about his own feelings and his own thoughts.

Snape POV

I woke up laying in my queen sized bed. It was early in the morning. After a good shower I put my clothes on and made myself a cup of coffee with cinnamon and some ginger. Delicious and you really are awake when you finished this drink. 

After I was done I left my dungeon and walked through the corridor which lead me to the Great Hall.
Like usual I took place at the teachers table and was greeted by all the teachers and the Headmaster. The tables were filled with food. I had a huge headache and the horrible sounds which were filled in the Great Hall, caused by the students enthusiasm,made it even worse.
I stared straight forward and saw him, The Boy Who Never Dies. I was looking at him. Suddenly he turned around and was looking back at me.  At least I think so, because well.. I was staring at him first. Probably he felt my gaze at his back and went searching who would have such a strong gaze upon him. I would do that too. Even though I wouldn't want to admit it the boys eyes his eyes,his emerald green eyes were piercing through me. I just couldn't look away. Couldn't stop my gaze. I saw him look away confused and in embarrassment.
He knew I was looking what he probably didn't except. His most hated teacher, most heated person in the whole universe looking at him. Of course he didn't know how to respond at that.

I saw him having a short chat with one of his friends, Ms Granger. She looked a bit worried. Of course I couldn't hear the conversation, but her facial expression gave it all away. Short after that Potter left the Great Hall. I ate my breakfast and went back to my dungeon. I still had half an hour before my lesson would start. I lay down on my big bed and suddenly I thought about the boy. What was he doing. Why did he left breakfast so quick. What was going on in his mind? All those questions it was killing me. And why? Uhg why did I think of all the people of him? I felt a weird kind of tingling in my body. What was this? I was shocked of my own feelings. After Lily I din't even know I could feel anything at all, let alone these kind of weird feeling which I din't had in a reaaaaly long time.

I felt hot and couldn't flee my thoughts.  In 15 minutes I am supposed to stand before my class giving them another potion lesson. Even though the most of them suck at it.
Jeez.. and now I can't even think straight. Damn it!!

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