CHAPTER THREE - A Visit to Imladris

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Daena, Arcturus, Aurae and Aduial wandered around the halls. Silas was called to Thranduil so they were left alone to their own mischief.

"Hey Aure, Dae, you want to cause some chaos?" Arcturus smirked, looking at Callan with a dark expression. Daena and Aurae followed his fixated gaze, finding that it was upon Callan, Aurae's brother.
They had been informed of the act Callan pulled on Aduial, they were to say the least, very disappointed that he'd acted his way and even more surprised that he kept his role as second in command.

"Oh, with pleasure." Daena mimicked Arcturus's smirk, cracking her knuckles loudly.

Arcturus pulled the other three behind a pillar, they were all looking at each other, scheming what their next move would be.

Daena grabbed some sticks and a white rug, handing the items to Aurae, who created a pretty realistic ghost shape with a few extra details.
Arcturus grinned at Aduial, grabbing a hollowed pipe from a small locked room that he had picked the lock to. Once they were all was stationed, they began their little scheme.

"Callan. This is the father of the Dúnedain girl, Aduial, I saw what you did to my little girl." Arcturus spoke slowly and loudly into the pipe. He had tried to deepen his voice for further effect.
It echoed through the halls making Callan turn in many directions, looking for the source. Luckily, with the echo and him deepening it, his voice sounded quite different and mostly believable.

"I didn't do anything!" Callan cried out, from their view he looked utterly terrified- almost wetting himself scared.

"Oh but you were gonna hurt her. You trespassed into her room, weapons in hand. She went crying to the Healers Chambers." Aduial had to cover her mouth as she tried to stifle a laugh. The look on Callan's face was priceless and definitely made up for her fright last night.

Arcturus signalled for Daena and Aurae to go. The two she-elves looked to each other before grabbing their poles to control the ghost as they lowered it to the ground, just behind Callan.

Callan turned around, coming face to face with a ghostly man, with hanging dark hair so you couldn't see his face, white, long tunic and just a ghostly aura. Callan screamed, quite loudly before he tripped over and began running off down the corridors as quick as he could. Aurae, Aduial, Arcturus and Daena doubled over with laughter as they watched him run.

"What's going on here?" The voice of King Thranduil rang throughout their ears as each of them froze in shock.

Arcturus stood up straight, looking at their king who had Silas and Aerin stood on either side of him. Aduial looked up at the king while Daena and Aurae stumbled over to the duo from their hidden spots across the corridor.

"Callan tried to harm, Aduial. So we're.. avenging her?" Aurae grinned, nervously, side hugging Aduial on her left and Daena on her right. Daena had dragged Arcturus down so she could wrap her arms around his shoulders.

"Very well then. Carry on. Just don't destroy anything. Oh, and girls? Very nice ghost." Daena and Aurae grinned at each other, rather proudly at the praise from Thranduil. The four of them packed up their ghost and returned to the training room.

"Arty, it would be safer if you didn't train with that side of yours." Aduial grabbed her friend by his shoulders, stopping him from moving forward.

"You think I can't fight in a weak state?" Arcturus accused, playfully. He knew that his wound could easily reopen at the slightest wrong move and he wasn't planning on actually training.

"No, that's not what I meant- I'm just worried." Aduial muttered, she didn't want Arcturus to think that she thought he was weak. Because she didn't, she thought the world of him.

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