Chapter 1- Why?!

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(Chat/Adrien's POV) 

"Why? Why do I always have to be the one with bad luck?" I complain on the verge of tears. Once again, I decide to try and tell her how I feel about her, and once again, she rejected me. "Why do I even try? Huh? Why? Why should I try to- to..." I say trailing off, letting the tears stream down my face. She's looking at me, with worry in her face. "Chaton" she starts saying. "NO! No! None of that!" I yell at her. I see a tear trail down her face and she left before I could see her burst into tears. Before she left, I heard her say, "Make sure you don't get akumatized!" I get home, detransform, and flop onto my bed. "I saw the look on her face, worry, upset. I was the one who made her make that face." I say into my pillow. "Kid, you should just go to sleep and worry about it tomorrow, and I told ya so." Plagg says.

(Ladybug/Marinette's POV)

"Tikki, I think he- he..." I say before sobbing, "I think he hates me, Tikki!" "What?! No I doubt that he does" Tikki says reassuringly. "But he does! He said all of that stuff and made me realize that- that... I love him, Tikki, I love him!" I say wiping away my tears. "Oh, Marinette." she says sweetly, cuddling my cheek. "I have to tell him tomorrow!" I say with determination. "You need to get to bed, Marinette." Tikki says. "Goodnight Tikki!" I say.

The Next Day


"Here it goes, Tikki." I say worriedly. "Tikki, Spots On!" I swing away heading toward Volpina (She strikes again. Yay🙄). Little did I know that the real Volpina was behind me about to grab my earrings. I suddenly feel myself being carried away, bridal style. I look up and see Chat looking down at me and then looking away. After he puts me down, I try to say something, "Chat, I-" He puts a finger to my mouth. "Shh. We are not going to talk about what happened last night until after the akuma and patrol tonight." he says. "But-" I try again. "No, Bug." He says. 

After the fight and after they recharge their Kwamis

"Look, Chat. I-I need to say I'm sorry for what I said last night. I've realized that I-mph!" I say but get cut off by Chat putting a hand over my mouth. "Look I'm sorry for everything I said last night. I hate how I acted last night and if you hate for the rest of my life, then so be it, because I deserve it. But I need you to know that I may stop with the flirting and puns and everything." he says looking away from me. 

What? Why is he doing this? I knew it! He hates me!

"And before you even say it, no. I do not hate you. I will never hate you. I will always love you. You will always have a special place in my heart." he says looking at me with a serious expression.

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