Chapter 5: What do I do?

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(Adrien/Chat POV)

Why did Marinette just run away from me? Did I say something wrong?


"I don't know, kid. I don't know how to help you. Maybe go talk to her or go talk to Ladybug. It seemed as if Ladybug was trying to tell you something the last time you saw her." Plagg says.

"That's actually a pretty good idea, Plagg. Let's go see M'lady!" I say to him before I transform and jump out the window.

(Marinette/Ladybug POV)

What do I do? What do I do? What if he comes, what if I have to talk to him? WHAT DO I DO?!

"Good evening, M'lady." I hear a smooth voice say behind me. I'm in the middle of a FREAKING nervous breakdown, and here he is. "Hey, Chat." I say quietly. "You okay, Bug?" I turn around and see him with a worried look. "M-Me? Um, uh, y-yeah, I-I'm fine." I manage to say looking at the ground. Don't you dare do it, Marinette! DON'T YOU DAR-! "IknowwhoyouareChat! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msor-mph?!" I start to say but I'm cut off with Chat kissing me. I close my eyes slowly and melt into the kiss. It's like that for a few more seconds. I then pull away and look at Chat confusingly. "Sorry, you were rambling and I thought the only way to calm you down was to kiss you. But, how?" He asks me, looking into me with his emerald green eyes. "I was coming over to ask Adrien for advice and I saw Chat jump through his- well- your bedroom window. I was going to go in and ask you what you were doing there, but then stopped because you had just released your transformation. I ran and I feel so guilty. Sorry." I say trying to keep eye contact with him. 

A few moments pass and I'm looking at the ground. I suddenly feel Chat put his hand under my chin and lift it up.

"So, are you disappointed that it's me, that I'm Adrien?" he asks me. I look at him. "No, why would I? Why would I be disappointed that my long time crush has been my part-" I slap my hands over my mouth. I look at him and I see the smirk that's forming on his face. "Crush? Hmm, interesting. So I was the mystery boy that you were talking about?" he says teasingly. I feel my face get very warm. "Fine, you win. Yes I did have a crush on you, not one BUT 2 times." I say and I see him freeze. "Y-you liked both sides of me?" he says all stuttering. "Yes. That's what I was trying to tell you last time we saw each other. That I finally fell for you." I say with confidence.

Sorry for it to end like this. Comment on which you would want to happen.

1. Ladybug tells Chat her identity so it's fair

2. Chat has to guess who she is


3. Chat finds out by accident (like how Marinette finds out about him.)

Bug Out!🐞

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