Chapter 11: The Beginning of the Date

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(Adrien/Chat POV)

I have a reservation for a restaurant and I have a balcony set up for our date. Well, technically our double date. My phone keeps going off and Plagg is telling me to look at it. I have 10 missed messages from M'lady💖.

M'lady💖: Kitty? Are you there?

M'lady💖: Ok, what are you doing? You always respond.

M'lady💖: If you don't answer, I'm not coming to the date.

She knows my weakness. I have to respond now.

Yes, M'lady?

M'lady💖: Finally, you respond.

You know all of my weaknesses.😾But I still love you, Bugaboo.

M'lady💖: Really? I thought I said DON'T call me Bugaboo.

For your contact name on my phone, yes.

M'lady💖: Anyway, why weren't you answering your phone?

That's a secret it would ruin the surprise and it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.

A few hours later

(Marinette/Ladybug POV)

I'm sure when Adrien sees me in the outfit that he got me, he's probably going to be dumbfounded. My thoughts are interrupted by my mom saying that Adrien's here. I go downstairs with my bag, Tikki in it, and go to the door and then I see him.

Adrien and Marinette's outfit:

Adrien and Marinette's outfit:

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(Adrien/Chat POV)

Oh boy. I don't think I can control my jaw anymore because it's on the ground. Hand her the bouquet, Adrien.

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