☾ new friends☾

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After explaining what happened and told them to let you warm up to them. After that most of them left except for four people. Two girls one with short Brown hair and pink checks,and the other with long green hair and her tongue sticking out the two other people were boys the first was a boy with green hair and freckles. The second boys hair had two different colors in his hair one side white and the other red with a scar on his left side of his face.
The first one to speak was the green haired girl " Hi my name is Tsuyu Asui but you can call me Tsu."
Then the others introduced them self's the brown haired girl her name is Uraraka. Green haired boy was Deku an the two colored boy is Todoroki. Then after introducing them self's to you Aizawa interrupted and asked you " I have to get you some more things are you OK if they watch you?" You thought for a second and nodded " I have to do my homework."Deku and Uraraka said at the same time. I can watch her *Reddit*." I can help to." Todoroki started. "Ok I'll be back in an hour or two."
Once Aizawa left Tsu turned to you "do you have want to play with *Reddit*?" "I haven't had any sense I was 4 years old." You looked at the ground. "That's OK my friends Momo her quirk she can make things from what she eats * Reddit*." You wall likes to a girl wealth a black pony tail "Hey Tsu what do you need?" Can you make a couple toys for (y/n) they don't have any?" "Sure," she crouched down by and you hid behind Tsu legs" what kind of toys do you want?" You said in a smallest voice possible " a boll/car please can you make three so Tsu and Todoroki can play please" you were scared because you would get hit if you asked for more of any thing "sure!" She produced three cars/dolls one was a boy doll

" You wall likes to a girl wealth a black pony tail "Hey Tsu what do you need?" Can you make a couple toys for (y/n) they don't have any?" "Sure," she crouched down by and you hid behind Tsu legs" what kind of toys do you want?" You said in a smal...

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She handed them to you and you said thank you

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She handed them to you and you said thank you. Then Tsu lead you the common room so the three of you could play. You had the most fun you had be had in a long time.
You had fallen asleep 30 minutes before Aizawa got back. Tsu took a nap next on the common room couch to you to make sure you felt safe.
      When Aizawa got back notices you sleep on the couch and the toys.Then you woke up because he plopped down on the couch next to you " Were did you get the toys?" He questioned "a girl made them for me she had a black ponytail." The realization came to him you only had these toys. "You want to go shopping for toys tomorrow?" Your face lit up you have never gone to a toy store. "Yes please." "Ok its time for dinner."
       After dinner Aizawa introduced you to the teachers. You didn't like the loud blond. And you meet all might you had seen him on TV when your mom was alive.
      After that you and Aizawa got back to the kids dorm he started " I think it's better if you sleep here in one of the girls room's until we get you a room, OK?" You Who's room do you want to sleep in You thoughts for a moment you wanted to hang out with Tsu and you don't know Uraraka very well boy she seemed nice "Can I sleep in Uraraka's room?" "I'll ask her." Aizawa said before walking away to Uraraka. You sat on the couch then a floating pair of close can over and talked to you(that was weird to wright) " Hi I'm Toru Hagakure!" She said excitedly " where's your body?" " oh, right I forgot it might be strange seeing me for the first time. My quirk is that I'm invisible." "Oh that's cool." You said shyly. Then Aizawa came back " She said it was ok and that she has a Trundle bed you can use for to night." "Ok." She also said that you can wear on off her big shirts as pjs sense you don't have any." You nodded and asked Aizawa  " Can you kneel down please" " Sure." When he kneeled down you rapped your arm around his neck and said "Thank you." Every in the common room said awww at the scene."Ok it'a time for bed." Aizawa picked you up and walked you over to Uraraka "Ok she's your responsibility now if any thing happens your all expelled." Aizawa said to the whole class " good night."
Uraraka walked you to her room. "you can wear this to bed, ok" she handed you a over sized shirt You when and changed in her bathroom

 "you can wear this to bed, ok" she handed you a over sized shirt You when and changed in her bathroom

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when to came of (A.N. I'm lesbian) she was setting up the trundle
for you.

You laid down and fell right to sleep

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You laid down and fell right to sleep.

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