Chapter Four: Carl's House

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Today was Carl’s birthday and Markus was ecstatic. He immediately jumped out of bed which annoyed North.
“Markus I wanna sleep!” she moaned as she pulled the covers over her.
“But it’s Carl’s birthday!” Markus replied as he pointed at the calendar.
“WHAT!?” North screamed as she flew out of bed to the calendar. She forgot didn’t she.
“Let me guess you forgot?” Markus inquired. North turned to him and tried to deny it.
“Okay, fine I forgot,” North finally said as she flopped onto the bed.
“Did you at least get a present?” Markus sighed as he sat down on the bed. North moved her head from the pillow to look up at him.
“Yes,” she said.
“Okay…, what is it?” Markus asked as he shrugged.
“A painting of thrirum soda,” she stated as she sat up looking proud. Markus blinked and gave her an are you serious look. “What I painted it myself, he’ll like it I promise you Markus,” North stated. She opened the closet door and picked up the painting, “See.”
It was a work of art. Well makes sense since they’re androids, but did she actually have to do a painting of thirium soda?
“Why thirium soda?” Markus questioned as he pointed at it.
“Oh well, I didn’t know what to paint, and I was drinking thirium soda while I was trying to think of what to paint, so I just painted the thirium soda instead,” North said quickly. He sorta understood what she said then laughed. “What?” She said.
“You seriously have an unhealthy obsession with thirium soda!” Markus laughed.
“Shut up,” She murmurs as she pushes past him and out the door of the bedroom. Markus followed her trying to contain his laughs but failing. North wrapped the painting in wrapping paper to protect then laid it on the coffee table. “When do we leave?” She asked Markus as she turned around.
“Uh, in about… half an hour,” Markus replied. North widened her eyes and ran to the kitchen.
“I ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTES TO DRINK THESE!” She announced as she tore open the fridge.


“North get in the car!” yelled Markus inside their car. North trudged outside fixing her hair and carrying the present. She opened the passenger seat and sat down.
“Ugh, I still feel dead,” she whined as she put a hand on her forehead. Markus started the car before responding.
“I did warn you North,” Markus stated as the car started moving (in automatic mode). North mumbled something then closed her eyes. In the backseat was Markus’ present, it was a song that he wrote for Carl on the piano. They were now on the main road, it takes 15 minutes to get to Carl’s house, well mansion. Carl only invited Markus (ofcourse), North, Simon and Josh, because he wanted to meet Markus’ friends and also Carl just wanted a small party, anyway he did say he hates large events.
“Is Simon and Josh going to be there?” She asked as she opened her eyes.
“Yep, why?” Markus replied.
“Josh still owes me that crate of thirium soda,”
“North you seriously need to stop obsessing over that drink it’s kinda scaring me, even more than you, which is saying something.”
“I’ll stop when I’m dead.”
“North androids don’t grow old or get a lethal illness.”


Markus and North finally arrived at Carl’s house. They parked in his driveway and got out. Markus was holding the sheet of paper in his hand and North carried her painting. Markus knocked on the door and an android opened it, Greg.
“Welcome Markus and North, Josh and Simon are already inside,” said Greg.
“JOSH WHERE’S MA THIRIUM SODA!?” North screamed as she pushed past Greg to find Josh.
“Heh, sorry about her she’s crazy,” Markus apologised as he stepped in.
“MARKUS WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?” yelled North from the living room.
“How the hell did she…” Markus trailed off as he raised an eyebrow and looked at Greg.
“It’s alright Markus, women tend to be a little crazy sometimes,” Greg joked. Markus laughed then walked into the living room to see North worshiping the thirium soda crate, Josh face palming himself and shaking his head at North and Simon was looking very uncomfortable.
“What’s with all the yelling?” croaked an old man’s voice. It was Carl, he wheeled out of the art room with paint on his hands to the living room. Josh pulled up North to snap out of her “ritual”, she flashed an awkward smile at Carl. Markus rushed up to his father and hugged him.
“Happy birthday dad!” cheered Markus as he let go of Carl.
“Thank you Markus, oh and it’s so nice to meet you all!” Carl said as he smiled at the three androids. North walked up to Carl and shook his painted hand.
“Hi I’m North,” she stated as she smiled at him.
“North? Oh Markus has told me a lot about you,” Carl said. North smirked then replied.
“Has he now?” Markus prayed to RA9 that Carl wont say it.
“Yes, especially of your obsession with this drink called thirium soda,” Carl said. North widened her eyes then glared at Markus gritting her teeth. Markus smiled nervously at her Crap now when I get home I’ll be sleeping on that damn couch again, and North might actually kill me, I’m going to meet RA9 tonight. “It’s fine we all have our habits!” Carl laughed and reassured North. She smiled at Carl one last time and stood beside Markus, tempted to strangle him, or beat him to death with Blue, those are hard options to choose from. Next Josh and Simon greeted him.
“Hey I’m Josh!”
“A-and I’m S-Simon.”
“Nice to meet you Simon and Josh I heard you are like brothers to Markus,” Carl greeted. Josh did a goofy smile and Simon smiled shyly.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but I need assistance in making the thirium cake?” Greg asked as he looked at us. Josh and Simon rushed up to him.
“CAKE!” both of them screamed in excitement. Greg nodded and lead them to the kitchen.
“So any cute dates that I need to know about?” Carl asked to North and Markus. Actually we never been on one date, all we do is watch tv… damn we need to get a life.
“Uh, actually all we do is watch tv together, does that count as a date?” Markus inquired as he looked at North and Carl.
“Wait seriously!? Isn’t there anything else you do as a couple?” Carl questioned.
“We don’t just watch tv, we watch tv while drinking thirium soda!” stated North. Markus smiled awkwardly at Carl’s disappointed expression.
“We got cake!” announced Greg as he came into the living room with a large thirium cake for the androids and a small normal cake. As he was walking he tripped and fell.
“WSHH!” Greg screamed as the thirium cake splattered all over the ground, luckily he saved Carl’s cake.
“NOOOO!” screamed Josh as he ran up to the cake mess. Simon walked up to him, they thought that he was going to comfort his friend but he cried as well.
“FIVE SECOND RULE!” shouted Simon as the two tried to build it back up. North and Markus laughed at them as Carl face palmed and sighed. Rip thirium cake, also Josh’s and
Simon’s hunger.

Thirium Sodaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें