Chapter 11: Thirium Vanilla Cake

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It’s been a couple of weeks from Markus and North’s anniversary, both of them loved their presents, even their friends bought some for them. Especially Kara’s present, it was the deluxe thirium vanilla cake. North always loved to bake, if only she doesn’t burn the food all the time. However Markus is the best damn cook, he always made breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, they decided to make the thirium vanilla cake.
“What in the name of RA9 is a sieve?” North asked as she read the back of the box. The two wearing both of their aprons.
“It’s this,” Markus started while laughing, he handed her the object, “You use it to even out the flour.”
North investigated the object, she shrugged then looked back at the recipe. It’s cute when she tries to bake, well when it doesn’t go to hell.
“What do we need to do first?” Markus asked as he took a mixing bowl out of of the cupboard.
“Uh...oh sieve the flour!” North replied. Markus smiled at her and grabbed the flour. “Can I do it?” asked North. I mean, flour can’t cause trouble right?
“Fine,” Markus replied slowly as he handed the flour to her. North put her game face on as if she was battling against the sieve with the flour. She was struggling to pour it in. “Let me help you,” Markus said smoothly as he went behind her and held her hands. He wasn't blushing this time? Actually his face was straight, no nervousness or anything, RA9,he’s getting used to the “romance”. After he helped North he let go of her hands.
“Hey you’re- NOT BLUSHING LIKE A BLUEBERRY!?” North screamed. Markus smiled goofily at her.
“Yep, you’re not gonna see my cute blue face anymore,” Markus replied. North was shocked. Since when did he get so suave?
“Did Carl give you lessons about flirting?” North asked while crossing her arms. Damn you North.
“No- yes,” Markus said quickly while rubbing his neck.
“Hmph, whatever, you’re still cute,” she winked at him. System malfunctioning, SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONING! 
“Let’s just continue baking,” Markus mumbled while looking away from her. North giggled and continued reading the recipe.
“We need to put the butter in!” North informed after reading the next step. Markus opened the fridge to find the butter. He broke it up in small chunks and put it in the bowl of flour. Meanwhile North turned on the electric whisk and put it in the bowl. “I think we make a pretty good team Markus,” North stated as she kissed him on the cheek. Markus smiled at her in return. RA9… I love this girl so much. “Hey I think it’s done!” North said as she turned off the electric whisk. Thank RA9 this didn’t turn in to a disaster. Markus put the vanilla in and a lot of thirium, so it was edible to the androids, then whisked it again. “Why do we have to whisk it again?” North inquired.
“So the vanilla can mix in!” Markus laughed. Five minutes went by and the mixture was done. Markus poured the blue mixture in to a cake pan. He opened the oven and put it in, ans set the timer half an hour.
“So… what do you wanna do while we wait?” North asked. Obviously TV.

*Half an hour later*

After twenty episodes, the oven made a beeping sound to indicate that the cake was done.
“Yes it’s done!” North cheered as she jumped from the couch and ran to the kitchen. Markus laughed and followed her to the kitchen. They took out the cake onto the kitchen surface. North took out a cake knife from the draw.  Time to cut the cake, I wonder if we’ll ever do this on our wedding-WOAH I cannot be thinking about that. “You can cut it with me,” North said as she walked closer to him. Okay, this is like couples do on weddings- BUT this is just an ordinary cake, this is not a damn wedding, c’mon dude keep your cool. Markus nodded nervously and put his hand over her hand with the cake knife. “This can be like, a late anniversary cake, or something,” North chuckled after they cut the cake. Or a wedding cake- DUDE stop thinking like that. Markus smiled at her, and took a slice of thirium vanilla cake. But how can he eat when all he thinking is-

Do I want to marry North?

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