Chapter 2

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It's Festival time! It's been a month since construction started for the Final Order. The alliance was not widely popular with your people, but for the most part they understood why after your speech.

The people started this annual festival in order to celebrate the reunions of families that were able to come back after leaving to hopefully achieve a better life. Due to your amazing ruling as queen, people where able to come back and be safe and financially stable.

It was tradition to wear bright colors, so you decided to wear your purple gown that had beautiful beading and jewels that adorned it. A long flowy cape with complimenting designs flowed around you.

You walked out the gardens in front of your palace where the festival was being held

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You walked out the gardens in front of your palace where the festival was being held. You walked up to the podium, grabbing the attention of your beloved people. "My people," you started with a smile on your face, "It is my honor to celebrate another Found Festival here with you all. We have had another successful year economically and the crime rate has dropped 2% again!" They began to cheer, "Thanks to all your amazing hard work, we have allowed families who have previously fled in search for better lives, to return and be reunited with their loved ones." More cheering. "Now go and enjoy the festivities with your friends and families! And may the force be with you all." You smiled as your beloved people cheered.

You walked through the gardens, greeting your people who thanked you for allowing their families to return and others who voiced their concerns that they wished for you to address. You spent a couple hours talking and admiring the gardens. The lights twinkled above as night neared and families began to take seats at the large rectangular tables in the middle of the gardens. It was tradition that the community eat together as they talk and reconnect. 

You joined at the top of the long table in the middle of the 5 tables. Your thrown was centered with the palace at your back and you sat with your people. You stood up and the families all fell into a hushed state.

"My people, words can not even begin to describe how privileged I am to be your queen! To see all of your bright faces! None of what we have accomplished would've been possible with out every single one of you. So before we feast, let us toast to the families that have returned and to another successful year!"

The people began to clap and toast their glasses. You sat back down and looked to your left to see Lylola smiling next to you, "I would say today was successful my queen."

"I would say that to Lylola," you state with a smile. 

Suddenly you hear a loud boom and little kids in the distance gasped loudly. You stood and looked to the sky and saw it. The Supreme Leaders ship followed by two starships that no doubt held a platoon of storm troopers.

"Everybody stay calm!" You state calmly yet sternly. Now do you send them home or allow them to stay? This was one of the hard choices you make as a queen. You can't protect them if they are at home, but if they are here they are a sitting duck. "Stay here and be calm! I will handle this."

You grab your dress with Lylola following behind you and soon joined by Commander Rex and his men. "Commander, keep your men here and protect the people."

"What about you my queen? We can not leave you defenseless."

You began walking up the stairs but stopped and turned to him," Do not worry about me," you glanced at Lylola," I can protect myself. Lylola, stay with the commander."

You began walking up the stairs once more as the ships raced over your head and stopped at the landing a few hundred feet from the top of the stone stairs. Once you reached the top, your cape and hair flowed behind you as the Supreme Leader, the General, and a ton of storm troopers emerged from their starships.

"Supreme Leader, General. Did you come to join in the celebration?"

"Unfortunately l/n, we aren't here to eat with your peasants."

You gave the general a look as a warning to choose his next words wisely, even though you were practically shitting bricks as to what their possible business was being here.

"We have decided that your planet holds a lot of value in its resources. I am afraid your questionable leadership and people hold no place here anymore."

"My questionable leadership? General, I suggest you tell me what you plan to do. Choose your next words wisely." You don't know where that pair of balls came from, but it's to late to back down now.

The general looked at you with shock," You must be insane to talk to the Supreme Leader and I like that! You are the one to watch your words or else we will make you watch the execution of every single one of your precious citizens. Or we will make your execution swift. It is up to you."

"I will take option three. I am saying this for your sake, go back to the hole you climbed out of and I will forget this whole incident. We can continue with the original deal."

He scoffed. "Troopers, get in position and wait for my orders."

The troopers moved into a line two feet in front of you.

"Ready. Aim."

They all pointed their weapons down into the gardens where your people stayed. You backed up to the top of the stairs. You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe allowed everything to flow through you.


The blaster shots rang out but their was no sound. You opened your eyes with your arm extended out and the blaster shots surrounded you, frozen in the air. Your other arm extended out and the blasters began to shake.

Suddenly you felt a force trying to combat you taking the blasters out of the troop's hands. 

Kylo Ren.

He was strong. Really strong. You weren't going to be able to hold it much longer. You stopped with the blasters and instead focused all your energy into redirecting the blaster shots back at the storm troopers. Both your arms outstretch in a flash all the blue shots around you ricochet off your power and back at the storm troopers, making them all collapse to the ground.

You stood their breathing heavy as you looked at the shocked and angry general and his partner in a defensive stance.

"If you ask me, General," you began walking towards the two," you are the crazy ones." You walked past them towards your palace. You stopped and turned to them. "I recommend you join me as we create a compromise."

"The Supreme Leader will NOT be threatened by the looks of you."

"General Hux."

"Yes, Supreme Leader."

"Wait in the starship."

"But Supreme Leader,"

He raised his hand and turned his head slightly," I said wait on the ship."

"Yes Supreme Leader."

You looked at the hulking mass of black fabric with a slight smirk on your face at his lecturing of his top General. "Shall we Supreme Leader."

He walks slowly toward you, you think making eye contact under his mask as he begins to tower over you. "Yes, I have a proposition for you."

You give a slight smile, "Okay, we can discuss it inside."


Author's Notes

Wowzers, we have BALLS.

Anyway, please give feed back and make sure to follow my tik tok @ceoofpickles1

Also give me any suggestions of what you want to see!

Love y'all. Have a good night!

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