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diggys POV ::

me: I love u. . .

janea: ilove u too. . . .

me: no no no no like I'm in love with u! these past couple weeks I've been tryna figuer out what it was that was missing from my life, that it factor but all along it was u I was just to stupid to see that. I love u and I don't wanna lose u again . . . janea will u bee my girl (pulls out promise ring)

janea: omg (crying; joy) yess! I love u daniel (puts it on and huge him)

me: (pulls away inches from her lips) (whispers)call me diggy (kisses her)

janea:(kisses back, deepends the kiss)

that night we made the best love ever, showering and sleeping in the same room at the same time. u can officaly say that I love Janea La'shay Polk.

short but its there.

plz comment and vote!!

oh and janea is actually a real person she's my older cuzn I just used her name cuz I ain't feel like thinkin lol byee:)


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