Chapter 4

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Scarlett P.O.V

A few days later I am walking from my room with a dress on. I wear a large trench coat to hide it. The only ones who have seen it are Adelaide and Sue. Sue did my makeup and Adelaide approved of it.

Adelaide has been loving it at the Baxter Building. She and Ben have brain freeze competitions. She practically calls him her uncle. Sue takes her out for clothes and more. Johnny will play games when he is at the tower and not flirting with girls or having his girlfriend over. Reed will stretch her into the air and drop her and then catch her before she hits the ground. She'll then erupt into a fit of giggles. I'd teach her a little mischief.

One time I was teaching her how to be silent and creep around a room. So while Reed was working she'd steal various tools he needed and watch as he tries to find it. He then would go grab another one and we collected a pile of tools, Big and Small. Then we put them back at one time and he looked confused and it was one of the hilarious things we'd even seen. Back to the Party now.

I walk down the hallway jacket swaying a little. Johnny left earlier and Ben and Reed had taken off before me. They wanted to wait, but I told them to go. I walk out and stopped by Sue.

"You sure it's okay if you watch her?" I ask Sue and she smiles.

"You act like such a mother. Have you thought about adopting her?" She asks and I nod at her. I was considering, but think of all the down sides to it. I would hate for her to leave, she already fits in and feels like a daughter.

"There is so much to consider. Like we are all humans with superpowers. What will happen if the people use that against us? We can make her in very dangerous situations. We may be the ones best qualified to defend her, but what would happen when we couldn't? Also what happens within the team?" I ask her. "So many questions and not many answers." I say sadly.

"Well don't give up. Now go show the party what they're missing." She shoves me into the elevator.

"Make sure she is in bed!" I say before the doors close and I stand there staring at the doors asking myself if this was a good decision. I go down and then I'm met with a General Hagar. Nobody like this man.

"Hello can I help you?" I ask and he stands the contemplating if he should tell me something. Suddenly Sue comes out with Adelaide at her side. Adelaide's eyes light up when she sees me.

"She wanted to see you off." Sue tells me and turns to the General. "What can I do for you?" She asks. I put my arms around Adelaide's shoulders.

"We're here to see Dr. Reed Richards." He says emphasizing Reed.

"He's not here at the moment. Can I help you?" I ask stepping forward for Reed. Adelaide clutches my leg. She hides behind it not wanting the General to see her further.

"Yes you can take me to see Dr. Richards." He demands. I sigh and look at Sue.

"Okay." I look towards Sue. "We need to take Adelaide along. See what I'm talking about. Will family come before world?" I sigh and walk to the garage. "You want to take a drive in my car?" I ask Adelaide who I now carry on my side. I walk up to it and her mouth drops to the floor. "I know." I squeal.

I drive down the road. Sue follows me and the General follows Sue." I walk up to the valet and hand him the keys.

"Take the car, but keep the keys handy. I don't know how long it will take." I say and he nods and drives off with my car. I look over at Sue. "I'm not going through those doors. For all I know Johnny has something bad. Meet me in the kitchen with everyone. I've been here before so don't worry about me." I tell her and she nods. Sue walks through the door and I walk down an alley next to it. I shrug my jacket off because it is a warm night.

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