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Mori keeps Dazai isolated.

He keeps him at a distance, holds him back from interaction with others, even at social events he and the other executives attend, he keeps Dazai at his side, no matter what.

Dazai often follows influence, and Mori intends to remain the largest influence in the boys life, even if he has to chain the brunette to his hip.

For years, he and Dazai even shared a bed, but since he's gotten older, hes granted him his own room, some more privacy, though such a thing as privacy is a mere illusion in a place like the Port Mafia. With a person like Mori.

Mori fears how outside influence will affect Dazai, if his opinions or ideas will bend with another's voice in his ear, speaking over Mori's.

He cannot allow this, and he knows that he cannot allow it, to allow infection, blemishing of his work that hes put into molding the boy into the apathetic, genius little thing hes become.

Hes loosened his leash significantly over the last year, testing the waters, ready to yank the teen back by the throat at any given moment, but since hes slackened his hold, Dazai has made no move to stray from him. The boy still spends all his free time cooped up in their pent house, reading or attempting more suicide methods, an activity Mori does not approve of, however he prefers it over the idea of Dazai going out on his own without any supervision.

Kouyou had mentioned his overly possessive relationship with Dazai offhandedly, not even looking at him as she said it, face carefully neutral as she brought it up.

He'd laughed at he words, something that seemed to have surprised her considering the way her brows shot up and she turned to him. Bemusedly, Mori had simply replied with the question of, "would you like to have Dazai running around freely, doing as he pleases?"

She'd chuckled and shook her head, but from the expression she failed to cover up quickly enough, he concerns about his restrictive methods remained present.

Mori doubted he could smooth those worries away, so he disregarded them, leaving them to linger within the woman.

Hirotsu also noticed. Mori was not in the least bit surprised, after all the man was incredibly observant and intelligent. You don't become the leader of the Black Lizard squad being stupid, obviously.

Mori had often entrusted the teen into  the mans care, and considering how utterly exhausted the man always looked after returning with Dazai, the brunette surely drove the man up the wall with his antics.

Aside from perhaps Chuuya, Hirotsu was the person who spent the most time with the teen who wasn't Mori.

The man had mentioned one day, in a moment of silence, that many of Dazai's own behaviours were beginning to mimic Mori's, become more similar and clearly influenced. Even their expressions, the cold calculative looks that the two often displayed were so clearly connected and influenced.

Mori had acted surprised, however they both very well knew he was pleased with this fact. After all, who can you trust more then yourself?

Hirotsu was fiercely loyal to him, though, and was one of the few that Mori had actually admitted to his to killing the previous boss to claim his place at the top.

The man had agreed with his actions, commended him, even, because the whole of Yokohama knew that old man was going to tear the city down with his hate and insanity. Had Mori allowed him to continue, the devastation  would have been unparalleled.

Because of this, Mori had little fear that Hirotsu would turn his back on him in favor of Dazai when the time came where Dazai would attempt to steal the throne, just as he'd bore witness to.

Kouyou, on the other hand held possibility. He knew the woman didn't particularly like him, and while he knew she didn't like Dazai all that much either, Chuuya had taken a shining to the boy, whether the redhead would admit it or not, and with Kouyou's own sense of loyalty to her subordinate of which she considered her family, the chance of her conspiring against him with Dazau was not impossible.

Now, don't get him wrong, Mori fully intends for Dazai to take his place, however the teen was progressing far too quickly, so ever grew his fear of influence, because if Dazai managed to develope any form of indepence, he could very likely slaughter Mori in his own bed and become the boss, even at this age.

That was the problem, because Mori had only been in power little over a year and a half, and yet the boy had managed to evolve and adapt in such a way that this worry of Dazai ruling too early began to grow and throb within his mind.

If Dazai got a hold of the Mafia while too young and inexperienced, the Tripartite Pact could fall apart and the Port Mafia, along with Yokohama itself could die with it. He couldn't allow such a thing to occur, and so he kept Dazai squirled away, like a treasure, hiding him from others within the depths of his apartment, keeping him dependent through any means necessary, whether it be through drugs or other more physical means, if he could keep Dazai under his control, safe and sound, all would go well in the end, everything would go exactly as planned, and he'd hopefully have a faithful, dependent subordinate at his back and call for years to come.

So everytime it was brought up in passing, Mori played the part of the fool, dismissive such ideas without a second thought, but he knew the gravity of this situation, the need to control the very future of the entire city, lest it fall to ruin at hes feet.

It all works exceedingly well, and Mori loosens, and loosens and then--

And then Oda Sakunosuke appears and he knows he's lost Dazai for good.

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