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Hearing Dazai has gotten himself caught up in something isn't rare. In fact, Atsushi has often lamented to Kyouka at night how annoying it is to fetch the man out of rivers and the clutches of whatever else he's decided will be his new elaborate suicide method. In response, Kyouka had assured him very seriously that she could help him next time when it came to tracking down and dragging Dazai back to where he's meant to be.

The white haired teen had gratefully accepted the girls offer, because some of these... techniques, if you could even call them such, were incredibly difficult to pull someone out of, especially Dazai, who didn't do much to help himself.

So when Atsushi receives a call and hears Dazai's name, his first assumption is that the man has done something incredibly foolish again and he has to go find him and apologize to whoever he's inconvenienced.

Tanizaki's nervous next words being that Dazai's in Yosano's office sedated, and that they need his help cleaning blood from the man's desk, well that's a tad bit more off putting.

Atsushi and Kyouka make it to the office quickly, both anxious to understand what in God's name has gone on before they go there-- and when they are hit with the mingling stench of bleach and iron, simultaneously their hearts drop.

The one cleaning Dazai's desk is Kunikida, and even the usually stoic man looks queasy and pale as he attempts to scrub away what his partner left all over the desk.

"K-Kunikida-san!" Atsushi yelps and runs to the man's side, frantically glancing around the office. It's mostly empty, too early for most staff members to have arrived, the only ones being in eye sight being Kunikida and Tanizaki, who both equally look ill.

"What happened to Dazai-san?!" Kyouka nods along to his question, but Kunikida only briefly stops scrubbing, not bothering to look up, simply staring at the tabletop in silence for a moment.

"... He attempted to kill himself again." Kunikida's words aren't filled with the usual disdain and frustration his voice usually takes on while speaking on Dazai's most notable tendency, instead the man's words are quiet and solemn.

While eccentric, Dazai's usual attempts aren't messy. The man's ideal suicide is one where he leaves behind no burden, so obviously making a huge mess while doing so would be strange and completely against what he always talks about wanting.

"Can... can we go see him?" Atsushi asks softly, nervously, the look on the older man's face not one he would expect to find applied to Dazai, this only making it more difficult to imagine the damage Dazai has caused himself. Kyouka fidgets at his side.

“He’s unlikely to be awake, Yosano has him on a lot of drugs right now to keep him from being… a danger to himself.” While the descriptor ‘danger to himself’ is very easily applicable to the brunette man, he’s never heard it said with such weight. It’s usually accompanied by disdain or exasperation, but not with such despair.

Atsushi and Kyouka nod lightly, and briskly make way to Yosano’s office, hearts racing with anticipation and dread. Atsushi flinches at the way the door creaks as he slowly opens it, the long drawling noise echoing throughout the otherwise silent room as he and Kyouka scoot their way in.

First, they see Yosano. She stands over a cart, still, staring down mutely at a sullied hand saw, the type that she keeps in her office for when she needs to use her ability, the teeth bloodied with what looks like little bits of torn flesh and muscle. This would be neither abnormal nor alarming in her office, had the person that was supposed to be in here not be immune to her ability.

Worry growing, they turned to the second person occupying the room.

There, in a guest seat, sat the pressed, face even grimmer than usual, hands folded carefully in his lap, cautiously watching his seemingly slumbering employee.

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