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A thud from Kunikida's kitchen startles him awake. It's loud and resounding, he can hear plates and cutlery from this unknown intruder’s thunking around to rattle about as if said intruder had slammed into his cupboards full body.

Startles is, perhaps, a little too kind for his reaction. It triggers a near heart attack in him, is more appropriately spoken. He's upright in seconds, eyes wide and pointed towards his door, stunned and processing the noise coming from outside of his own bedroom, in the apartment he occupied all on his lonesome.

Even in the darkness of his room, without glasses, he snatches up his gun from his bedside table and slinks out from his room, abandoning his still warm tatami mat and blankets.

He opens the door slowly and quietly, moving it gently inch by inch before finally dodging around it and carefully stepping out into the darkness of the hall.

Creeping along the walls, steps silent and purposeful, he hears muted shuffling from the kitchen, his tap turning on briefly, but no voices emanate from the room. From the sound of it, there's only one daring intruder. Though, who the fuck breaks into someone's house just to fuck with their taps? He's unsure in the moment, brain still muddled from sleep and adrenaline making him unsteady on his feet. He's completely unprepared for this scenario at the moment.

Leaning into the corner, Kunikida attempts to catch a glimpse of the intruder, however it's a pointless endeavor-- his sight is incredibly poor without glasses, and the darkness of the room coupled by the way the moonlight shine on the figure slumped against his counter only does any good to further darken his person, casting a long, dark shadow across the hardwood flower, scorching the floor as it spills through his house. The darkness nearly has a mind of it's own, something that, in Kunikida's mind, proves this invading figure even more suspect. To stand directly in the moonlight and still swallow it up so greedily-- that's someone who without a doubt would be a scourge upon his ideal.

He contemplates for only a moment before making his decision, and yet feels like an eternity he's stood there weighing his options. At any given moment, the intruder could notice his presence and round back on him, and these moments could mean life and death for him, after all the man stood in his kitchen could be anyone. With this man's identity shrouded, he must treat this as if his death is imminent, as not to under react in the wrong moment.

It could cost him, after all. Shachou taught him as such, and so he incorporated such lessons into his daily life.

Stepping away from the wall, Kunikida took a broad stance directly in front of the intruder, gun aimed at their head, fixing a glaring look at them.

"Who the hell are you, and why are you in my apartment?!" His voice is stern and commanding, and the figure turns towards him, albeit slowly, sluggishly even. He’s ready to have a weapon levied at his own face in retaliation, however, that turns out not to be the case at all.

"Ah... Kunikida-kun, if you are going to point that thing at me, please be sure not to miss." Kunikida recognizes the voice immediately, and feels a rush of relief with a side annoyance. Though, unlike with Dazai’s usual jabs, it completely lacks any of it’s usual mirth, it sounds less joking and more genuine, like it’s a genuine statement from the brunette stood across the room from him, leant over the counter, head craned back at him at an odd and no doubt uncomfortable angle.

“Dazai…! You idiot! What are you doing in my damn apartment?! It’s four in the morning, at least! There ought to be a good reason for this!” Kunikida discards his weapon and rests his hands on his hips, awaiting a response he knows will not make him feel any better about this terrifying, adrenaline filled early morning experience.

“Well… There is no good reason, actually! I locked myself out of my own dorm-- actually, I think my keys may be in Yokohama Bay by now, after this afternoon's attempt… Oh well, no point in crying over spilt milk! Point is, that I’m locked out of my room and need to go to the restroom, and your kitchen window just so happened to be unlocked! Very careless, Kunikida-kun!” Dazai’s cackling is a little more hollow than usual. This behaviour-- well, not the behaviour, but the way he is speaking is completely unlike Dazai! There’s usually more playful depth to his words, not something so hollow he could knock his fist against it and it would resound throughout the room aloud.

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