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Objectively, Dazai knows what a panic attack is. That, however, doesn't mean experiencing one for the first time, in front of Odasaku no less, is any less shocking and mortifying.

Before this all occurs, the night is not particularly notable. The only thing of particular interest that puts this quiet night apart from others is that Oda is at his apartment.

It's the first time the older man has ever set foot in Dazai's cold apartment, and so naturally this would have required some sort of tour. Dazai, however felt it pointless to do so, after all Dazai himself hardly knew his way around his own apartment. There were only three rooms he ever entered, his living room, where he slept, preferring the plush couch to his cold, unbroken bed, the kitchen connected off his living room, which was only ever used to store cheap booze, and lastly his bathroom, strewn with bandages and medical supplies, it's most frequent use quite obvious.

For Dazai to show the russet haired man the rest of his luxury apartment, the dusty, untouched bedroom or stable office still completely unused since he moved in, would feel frankly dishonest. Oda had shown him his quaint little worn in apartment, the restaurant in which his orphans stayed, all these intimate little details-- to pretend that this house truly held any value to him, that those rooms were even used at all would be lying to him. And to outright lie to Odasaku of all people...

Dazai doesn't think such a crime is forgivable.

In the end, they are sat on Dazai's couch, drinks in front of them with the TV playing something neither are really interested in. One another's company is enough for them. They're happy to exist in the same room, even if the cheesy romcom playing in front of them is the most boring, low budget piece of shit show. The night is still pleasant even with the grating noise of the show and it's jarring imovie scene transitions.

They chat idly, mocking the show every once in a while (well, it's mostly Dazai doing the mocking, however Oda does not pull his punches in joining in) before spinning off in frankly completely unrelated directions of conversation.

It feels calm and relaxing, even if they're in his apartment and not Oda's. It may be cold, but with Odasaku at his side, well they stave off this cold quite well on their own.

The sun has long since receded, the moon pridefully taking it's place, it's gentle glow filtering into the living room, lighting the wood floor, the only other light in the room being from the bright TV illuminating them.

The lighting is cold, making Odasaku feel even warmer.

"Hey Odasaku?" Dazai allows himself to tip over and slump against the redheads shoulder, who doesn't seem to mind, not batting an eye.

"Yeah?" Oda hums lightly in response.

"... What's your favourite kind of ice cream? Oh... is there such a thing as spicy ice cream? If there is, I'm sure you'd like it..." odasaku does not point out how out of left field and odd the question is, instead he thinks earnestly about it.

"I'm sure there is spicy ice cream, since there's a flavor for anything of anything these days, but my favourite type of ice cream is... Grape." Dazai's face scrunches up and he shifts to peer up at the other man, puzzled.

"Grape ice cream? All grape flavoured things taste like cough syrup... I think grapes should just be left as grapes." Oda nods seriously before replying.

"I like the taste of cough syrup." Dazai can't tell if Oda is joking, and frankly he's praying he is.

"... Seriously?" The brunette inquires hesitantly.

"Yes. It has an interesting taste." Dazai chuckles a little at the absurdity of his statement.

"Just because something tastes interesting, Odasaku, doesn't mean it's good. Geeze, you sure are strange, through and through." Oda nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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