Working Together as A Team

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Before Shao Xuan and his companion got near, Uncle Ge couldn’t help but jump off the stone vat and walk toward him. But only after a few steps, he turned back and then carried the stone crock with him to approach them. If he left it there those brats in the cave would definitely steal the food.

“This….This….Is this …fish?!” Uncle Ge pointed at the fish in Shao Xuan’s hand and asked.

Because of an accident in the river many years ago, Ge had seen this creature before but since their tribal leader doesn’t allow anyone to go in the river, so he never saw it again. He didn’t think that he would see it again today.

“How did you get it?” If it was just luck there is no way to get this many. One is rare enough, could something have happened to cause a large amount of dead fish to appear on the shore? That shouldn’t be possible, there are some people guarding the river so if anything had happened they would already have reported. Also, there are signs of being hit by sticks on the fish.


After Uncle Ge saw the fish’s open mouth and the sharp teeth he couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air. He is a very experienced hunter and can calculate a creature’s personality and attack power from each creature’s appearance. This is clearly a very lethal creature, even a totem warrior with powerful physical ability wouldn’t want to fight this creature. He couldn’t understand how these weak little kids, who hadn’t awakened their totem power yet, caught these fish.

The two older kids next to Shao Xuan couldn’t hold it in anymore and proudly told Uncle Ge about their morning “hunt” to show off their bravery. Showing off their ability in front of experienced soldiers would help them get into the hunting teams and is something the kids in the tribe liked to do.

The two kid’s descriptions didn’t quite follow any order but Uncle Ge, who had a lot of experience in hunting, could guess more of what happened from their words. He looked at Shao Xuan with a complicated look and said, “Let’s distribute the food first.”

The children in the cave saw the fish Shao Xuan and his companions held and surrounded them. The four people beside Shao Xuan quickly became alerted, even the face of the previously good natured Ba became vicious. One of his hands threw the fish behind him and the other hand held a wooden stick. If anyone dared to come and steal the fish then he was going to go all out on them.

Since Caesar was guarding Shao Xuan’s fish, none of the kids in the tribe would dare to try and steal it, so their gaze could only fall on the other four. Luckily it was time for distributing food so their attention was drawn away again.

Although it was the first time Shao Xuan distributed the food, he had seen how Ku did it, so he easily caught on. He even saved food for the four that were helping him guard their fish.

Uncle Ge just stood on the side and watched Shao Xuan finish distributing the food. Then he looked at Shao Xuan’s fish, picked up the crock, looked at the fish again, walked two steps, looked at the fish again, not really wanting to leave. As with the two guards at the river, he didn’t want to eat it but was just very curious about the fish. Unfortunately, Shao Xuan didn’t give him a chance to observe or explanation, just like whoever let him suddenly become the cave leader had not explained the reason.

No one in the tribe had given these fish a name so Shao Xuan called them “Piranha Fish.”

Shao Xuan noticed a long time ago that inside the cave there were some devices used to hang stuff in the upper portion of the cave, it was unknown how many years it had been since they were last used. Shao Xuan first used his fish to test it, he was able to hang it there, and the stone hook didn’t seem to be breaking.

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