Source of Power

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At the end of the ceremony, Shao Xuan felt that something was wrong.

Before he realized it, the totemic patterns on his body were almost complete, he had been staring at the flames inside the fire pit. Since he knew that all the changes on his body were because of the awakened totemic power, he didn’t worry about it anymore. However, ever since he stood by the fire pit, he felt an odd sense of intimacy with the flame inside. He did not know if it was a common feeling for all the kids who were awakening their totemic powers. At that moment it was impossible for him to ask someone in detail, so, he kept staring and studying the flames inside the fire pit.

By the time the Shaman announced the end of the ceremony, Shao Xuan withdrew his attention from the fire pit. He was planning to joke with his “sworn rival” Sai who was standing beside him, he looked at Sai, but to only find a skeleton standing right next to him. Shao Xuan was nearly scared to death, he almost reflexively kicked him away. Looking around, all the people who were walking and the warriors that finished the ancient dance, together with every kid standing around the fire pit turned into skeletons in his eyes. He could no longer recognize who was who. All the ones talking, walking and swinging their arms and legs, all became skeletons.

Shao Xuan was stupefied. He did not know if it was just him, or was it the same case with all totemic warriors. Back when he was chatting with Lang Ga and Mai, the only thing he knew about totemic power was that once the power was awakened, one’s body strength and reaction speed would greatly improve. However, he never asked about whether they could see skeletons. Who would have thought of that?

However, now, Sai and the other little warriors did not mention anything about skeletons at all. A minute earlier they were discussing about the meat jerky that was hanging outside the stone room, and never did they mention a thing about bones. So it seemed that he was the only exception.

He was experiencing the same process of awakening, yet after his totemic power was awakened, it was not the same as everyone else.

"What if I could only see skeletons from now on? Will I dream only about skeletons, and will the people in my dreams become walking skeletons?"

"Screw this!" He felt terrified even thinking about it.

Shao Xuan scratched his head, he was seeing his arm as bones without flesh at all. "What the Fuck!"

As for recognizing Sai earlier, it was because he felt familiar with him, since they had fought each other several times in the past. Also Shao Xuan recognized his voice. That little bastard was never shy when he bragged about himself, from the beginning he was in an extreme excitement since he successfully awakened his totemic power. He kept his voice high and sharp, as if fearing that others might not be able to hear him. If it weren’t for these two reasons, Shao Xuan could not have recognized him so soon.

The warriors that led them here had already left, while the Shaman and the Chief had not arrived yet. Right now, inside the stone room, there were only those seventy-five kids who just awakened their totemic powers this year. With no supervision, those kids fully liberated their nature, they began to laugh and chat in small groups.

In the eyes of Shao Xuan, they were all skeletons with their mouths opening and closing, and limbs moving around.

Shao Xuan did not join the crowd. Ever since he knew there was something wrong with him, he stepped down to a corner, thinking silently.

He had taken off the pallet, that had his name, from his neck, he remembered that none of the kids standing around the fire pit had worn it. So he tied his pallet on his wrist and stepped inside the room.

He had no feeling of discomfort from his body, and all his hair remained intact, even though there was a ball of fire on his head earlier. Not only this, Shao Xuan felt totally relaxed and comfortable. He felt very energetic, perhaps the reason being that he awakened his totemic power. If he could see something other than skeletons, he would be in a much better mood.

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