Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire.

Abigail sat on the edge of her bed in a daze, Hamish next to her. "Do you mean what you said?" Abigail asked,
"Or was that just to get me out of there?"

Hamish sighed, "Its strange. Different from what I felt with Cassie, I feel wierd and connected."

"I think that might have to do with the entire fact Tundra initially bit Edith. I wonder why, maybe Tundra has journals too?"

"That's beside the point, Abigail. I think am in love with you." He admitted his eyes staring at her with awe am a sudden.

Suddenly, "Guys!" Randall hailed from downstairs, his distressed voice sent both speeding down the hall and staircase. To reveal Randall supporting Jack's limp body.

"something happening to him." Randall cried, "Put him in the bean bag." Abigail ordered, "My skin is on fire." Jack admitted painfully,

"Guys, Look." Randall pulled up Jack's sleeve, it was obvious Silverback crawling underneath his skin. "That's Silverback." Hamish announced,

"Who did this to him? Was it that bitch, Alyssa. Who I loved one?" Lilith spat, everyone eyed her awkwardly.

"Like a sister, you perverts!" She spat back, Abigail rolled her eyes.

"What were they doing in that temple?" Hamish asked,

"They started to prepare for the Vade Macum." Jack groaned,

"Oh shit, I really wished my memory wasn't returned." Abruptly Jack started screaming and then it just stopped.

His breathing was shallow,


Jacks phone went off as Lilith picked it up, "Its Alyssa."

"What's she saying?" Abigail asked, pulling out the whiskey from underneath the minibar. Hamish eyed her, "What? This calls for a whiskey situation." He sighed,

"Shes asking about Jack." Lilith replied texting back and sending a message,

"What did you say?" Randall wondered,

"Everything's fucked, oh wait dman autocorrect bullshit. Okay sent."


"You've been mixing that shit all night, and it isn't done." Abigail groaned rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

None of them had gotten any sleep, scared for their friend.

"Do you want me to make it fast, or right?"

"You sure you know what your doing?" Hamish asked,

"Your the one who found my stupid memories, so shut up and let me use them." Lilith answered,

"The potion will cure him, right?" Randall asked sitting on the couch,

"No, but it'll bide us time, to figure what is going on, Now pour this into that and shake" Lilith handed him a vile and steel cup.

"I remember you'd break my arm at the thought of using magic." Abigail laughed,

"And I'll break it, if he doesn't shake faster."

Lilith than started to repeat knowledge of the Vade Macum,
"Now sit him up" She walked to Hamish handing Randall the soppy cup in which held the potent liquid.

"Come on, that's right, yummy." Randall cooed dribbling the liquid down his throat.

Soon once Jack finished the substance Silverback subsided only to return with just as much force.

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