Chapter 3

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His hand turned the door knob before me and ushered me inside. My eyes needed to adjust to the darkness as I looked for the light switched. Aang walked inside after me with jittery feet, nervous or excited, I couldn't exactly tell. I would need Toph to help me out with that. The floor under my feet felt worn down yet soft and comfortable, made it easy to hear where Aang was in the dark. The walls were being tampered with by his hands, slowly dragging his subtle fingers up and down the wallpaper searching for the switch. 

"Did you find it yet, Katara?" Aang sounding concerned while he started to walk up behind me.

"Not yet. It has to be around here somewhere." I dragged my hands with pressure around the second wall I searched. A warm breathe took its home on my shoulder, sending chills down to my heels. 

"Katara?" I turned around to the soft whisper.


"We don't have to turn the lights on... I'm getting pretty tired anyways."


"Okay, just be careful." We headed towards my bed but with some added stumbling and trips. 

"Take my hand." A gust of wind crashed against my left hip. The memory of Aang lending his hand out to me for a dance in that crusty cave flashed in front of my eyes. I shook my head and poked my hand out like a frog for fleas searching the air towards his body. Eventually feeling his cold fingers under mine, he led me to the bed.

Aang turned and headed to the left side of the bed, folding the top corner of the blanket down to get inside. He was only wearing his boxers, but when I first saw him out of his door in the hallway, he looked pretty sweaty, I'm guessing from overthinking. I did the same as I got into the bed, but I wasn't sure how close I should get to him. I think I wanted to cuddle but that was not exactly in the question of actually asking him too because that is WAY too awkward to ask to a 13 year old boy. In my bed. Under my covers. I couldn't ask him.

I fell to my side, facing away from him, not sure if he was already asleep yet. His breath was steady and I could feel the blood running through his veins, very calm, easy to fall asleep listening to. Before my eyes could even shut close he turned around behind me and his breath slowly found my shoulder again. It was warm. Inviting. I could feel him shuddering a little bit until his arm wrapped around my stomach. I must have jumped or something because he lifted his arm back up again. My hand shot up and grabbed his and took it back to my stomach.

"Its okay. I don't want you to move." His hand tightened over mine, like it controlled it. But a good type of control. His whole body was now up against my back side. The feeling of his knees bending mine to fully cover my body. His breath, again. Heavier against my shoulder, now reaching further down my body each time he exhaled. His whole body squeezed against mine then loosened, to show he was still awake.

"Katara, what are we going to do. I mean, Sokka will question anything we do with each other." He sounded mournful, he tightened himself around me again. I turned around to face him. Even in the dark I could see slight smile when we caught eyes.

"Screw him."

He let out a quiet chuckle.

"I'm being serious here, I can't do that again. I can't let you go. I don't know why but it's like this weird sensation. Whenever your not around me I feel like you might get hurt or..." His hands got tighter and tighter around my back and his head turned down with a sigh.

"Aang, stop it." I dragged my hand to his cheek feeling a sudden tear leave his eye. "I'm not letting you go either, but Sokka is never going to forget about us. We can't tell him this is happening."

"Or the rest of the group. Katara, this could jeopardize all of us, they could tell Sokka."

"So it's agreed, we don't tell anyone about... us."

"Be together in secret... huh...that would be pretty fun..." He giggled again a little too loud that I was afraid the walls were too thin. I shoved my finger up to his mouth and shushed him. Now looking down at my finger touching his mouth, a sudden wave of jealousy from my lips came upon it. He kissed me on the forehead with a loving "Goodnight, Katara." I turned back around and he pulled himself in closer behind me.


Aang suddenly woke me up in the middle of the night. I wasn't exactly sure what it was about, but I could here him shuffling around my room. The carpet gave that away.

"Aang what the hell are you doing up?" I glanced over at the clock next to me.


"I just remembered Toph told me yesterday that we were going to practice some more skills at 4 A.M today. I'm sorry, but I have to go before Toph wakes up, she might be able to hear me come out of your room." 

I didnt want him to leave. The sudden cold, stabbing against my back was now getting even colder since Aang got up. 

"Toph will understand if your tired, it's 3 in the morning, it's crazy to go out that early."

He was now stuffing his arms through a white t-shirt, trying not to fumble too much that it could actually alarm Toph.

"Katara, I need to go now. I'll be back in a couple hours." He came over and knelt on the bed. His lips pressed agaisnt my forehead again, pushing my head further back into my pillow. 

"Aang stop. Come back to sleep." I slight assertiveness came out of my mouth unintentionally. His head still above mine.

"Maybe this will get you to let me go." 

He bit his lip and leaned in. I could bearly see him because it was still dark outside but I could feel his knees pushing harder down into the bed. His hand dove into my hair and behind my head to lift me off the pillow. The blood flowing to his lips as they touched mine was enough to  completely be engulfed by him. The trance flowed through my veins, making me push harder into him. I was almost sitting completely up now but we broke apart with a small connection of saliva attaching us together. He grinned and took his hand away from my behind my neck then headed to the door.

No way in hell was I going to let him leave now.

Just as his hand was reaching for the latch on the door, I stopped him. His biceps started to flex as he tried harder to reach for the door.

"What the-" Aang's voice cracked until he realized what was happening. "Katara! Agh, is that you?!"

From the bed I twisted my hand down to the floor and his body followed.

"Stop! I have to go! Agh." He had a slight fright to his voice but a careful grin was emerging, and that wasn't my doings.

Twiddling my fingers up to the bed and clenching my fist closer and closer to me. 

Aang was now on all fours, on top of me.

"I told you to come back to bed. And now, oh look, here you are." I smirked.

"Katara," He giggled. "This isn't funny." The look on his face said the opposite.

I let go of him for a second, giving back his option of leaving. His arms trembled but straightened in a second. The bed vibrated with his strength suddenly rushing through his body again. His eyes darted at the door, noticing there was no noise coming from the rest of the house. He turned back and looked a couple inches below my eyes. Narrowing his eyes back up to mine, his lips pursed.

"Fuck Toph."

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