Chapter 6

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Aang shoved Zuko down with one hit of his fist. Anger slamming Zuko to the ground, squirming trying to get away. A few growls through clenched teeth and Zuko threw the first punch. 

"Aang!" He jolted his hips in the air, attempting to push him off . "Get the hell off of me!"

"Screw you Zuko!" Aang caught his wrists and pushed them into the ground. Zuko nudged his arms, trying to find a weak point.

"I'm not trying to fight you! Can't we just talk about this!" Aang opened his mouth going to say something, but Zuko straightened his arms out, weakening Aang's grip, and pushed himself out from under him. His hands looked like mine, all purple and bruised after what happened two days ago.

"No!" Before he could launch himself back at Zuko, I ran over to wrap my arms around his waist and pulled him towards me. Aang fell on top of me. Laying there, he didn't try to get up, but just caught his breathe. 

Iroh came over and lent out a hand to Zuko. They both stood up in front of us with one concerned face and the other full of anger. Meanwhile, Toph and Sokka ended chanting the fighter's names, encouraging the fight.

"Hey, where did the action go? Did Zuko win?!" Toph asked with curiosity.

No one answered, but she figured with all of the fast heart rates and heavy breathing what had happened.

Aang took a deep breathe and stood up. Wobbling to his feet, then as soon as he was balanced he grabbed my hands to pull me up.

"I'm sorry. I need to go...." Aang said under his breathe. He looked defeated, hurt and something in his words broke my heart. There was something wrong. In the year that I've known him, hes only gotten that angry when Appa was taken. When that happened, it didn't end well.

He went out onto the balcony under the gleaming stars. We all watched from inside, curious what he was doing. He jumped up onto Appa and breathed out a quiet.

"yip yip." 

And was on his way.


"Are you alright Zuko?" I shook my head and looked back at my stunned friends.

"Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine. I've gotten a few worse scars and bruises in my life." Everyone giggled a little, taking away from the tension in the air. "I'm more just worried about Aang, I've never seen him like that before. And I didn't even say anything bad to set him off. I mean, did I?"

Everyone's eyes darted back and forth at each other. But just as I opened my mouth to switch the subject, Toph started hysterically laughing.

"What?" Zuko stared at her. 

Toph wiped a tear from her eye from laughing so hard.

"Wow Zuko, you really are stupid!" She slapped her leg, still wheezing.

"Toph, why are you laughing? Seriously what did I say?"

"Umm, I'm just going to grab some bandages." I left to go to the bathroom for the first aid kit. I still didn't really know what try were getting at but Zuko's hands started to throb so I had to leave.

"You seriously don't know?" Sokka crossed his arms with a smirk.

"Seriously!" Zuko crossed his arms too. Toph's laugh started up again.

"You were flirting with the Avatar's forever girl!" Toph yelled and let out a giant wheeze laugh and was almost about to fall out of her chair.

His arms fell down to his sides.

"WHAT! No I wasn't! I just asked about my hair! I have a girlfriend!" At this point Toph could barely breathe anymore.

"I don't know, that sounded a little... spicy!" Suki licked her finger and tapped her butt with it to made a 'sss" sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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