Chapter One

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The thick, gray smoke surrounded me, filling my lungs. I coughed as I spun around only seeing the hot flames and the smoke hiding me from the world. I looked down at the once white rose bushes covered in crimson blood. Blood dripped off the roses onto the dirt. My beautiful ballgown was covered in the same sticky blood. My hands were stained crimson red. The sound of canons filled my ears. Screams and crying in the distance sent chills down my spine. My heart pounded as I tried to look through the thick smoke to see what was happening. I spun around looking for an exit to escape, but the smoke and fire surrounded me and the rose bushes.

I saw a man kneeling through the smoke. His long beard looked so familiar. Something sat on top of his head. I tried to see, but the smoke was too thick. I saw a tall, skinny man standing over the man kneeling. He held a large sword above the kneeling man. He smiled down at the man. Then he swung his sword down at the man kneeling, slicing his throat. Blood sprayed across the dirt and rose bushes. I screamed as my hands balled into fists.

A woman with long, blond hair ran towards the man now laying on the ground, dying. She laid on top of him, soaking her beautiful ballgown in his crimson blood. I could feel her pain and sorrow through my body. Bombs filled the air. She looked up at the man carrying the sword. He smiled down at her with his devilish smile. She stood tall with her hands balled into tight fists. She threw her hands and arms out towards the man. The flames from the fire wrapped around the man as he swung the sword at the flames.

The woman rose her arms higher in the air. The flames got taller covering the man from my view. A strong wind blew past me towards the man with the sword. The wind wrapped around the flames causing them to swirl around the man. I heard the man scream and grunt. Then the woman cried out loud. I saw a swords tip poking out of her chest. Blood soaking all down the front of her dress. The flames fell down to the ground releasing the man with the sword.

"Ivy, Ivy, wake up."

I opened my eyes to see Jakob's kind, brown eyes looking at me. His darker, sun kissed skin glowed in the sunlight as he shook my arm. I sat up and looked at him. His kind, warm smile embraced me, causing me to smile at him.

I looked around seeing the ocean in front of me and the barren forest behind me. I heard the waves crash against the rocky shore in front of me. The salty breeze blew through my hair and into my nose. My heart still pounded quickly from the dream. I sat there trying to catch my breath.

"Bad dream?" Jakob asked.

"Something like that," I said smiling it off. "What's wrong?"

"Rosalie sent me to get you for work. You're late, again," he joked.

"Ha. I'm not always late," I said. "I fell asleep."

Jakob smiled and shook his head. "Come on," he said as he held out his hand for me to take.

I rolled my eyes. "If we must," I said as I grabbed his hand. He pulled me to my feet. I stumbled towards him. Jakob caught me with one of his arms as I started to fall. He steadied me with his hands holding my hips. His hands rested on my hips, his lips inches from my forehead. My heart started to race as I looked into his eyes. He leaned closer to me staring into my eyes. I started to close my eyes as his lips got closer to mine. Then he let his hands drop and stepped away from me.

"We should get going," he said looking towards the ocean. "Can't make Rosalie wait too long."

"Yeah," I swallowed looking at the ground.

I felt Jakob's hands on my hips, pushing me. I felt my body fall to the ground. I landed on my back staring up at Jakob. I sat up crossing my arms.

"Jakob!" I yelled.

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