Chapter Ten

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I sat staring at the large fountain with white rose bushes all around it. The sound of the water flowing through the fountain felt calming to my ears. A beautiful woman with long, blond hair stood by the fountain running her fingers through the water. A beautiful rose gold crown with white jewels rested on top of her head.

The boy from my dream in the hallway ran around the fountain, laughing as an older boy that looked just like him with shorter hair chased him around the fountain. A big man with a huge smile on his face sat next to me. I watched him stare at the woman by the fountain with such love in his eyes.

A younger girl with long, blond hair walked up to the woman by the fountain. The woman wrapped her arms around the girl. The girl looked like a young version of the woman with slightly darker, blond hair.  A silver crown with purple jewels embedded on the crown rested on her head.

"Lorica, darling, show us what you can do," the man sitting down next to me spoke in his hearty voice. Such a familiar voice.

The young girl smiled at the man. "Of course, father," she said.

The woman sat down next to the large man. She sat on her hip, tucking her ankles around her. I watched her rest her head on the man's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her.

"Audric, Jaxon, come sit down. Your sister is going to show us what she can do," the man said.

"Yes, father," the two boys said as they sat down on the other side of me.

Lorica stood next to the fountain. She waved her hands and fingers over the water fountain. Lorica's face focused on the water in front of her hands. Her lips made a fine line as she stared at the water. I tilted my head as I watched in wonder. Lorica continued to wave her hands over the water. Bubbles started to form above the water. Small bubbles at first. Then larger bubbles formed and floated up into the air. As the bubbles rose, Lorica's hands and arms rose. The bubbles rose higher and higher.

I stared at one large bubble that rose above the rest. I saw my tiny arms reach out in front of me. My hands and arms seemed so much smaller than normal. I continued to watch the bubble as it floated down towards me. I couldn't look away from the bubble. I felt myself giggle as I watched the bubbles.

"Look," the woman whispered.

"It's amazing. She's too young, right?" the large man whispered.

"Yes, she shouldn't be able to do this yet," the woman whispered.

The bubble floated right in front of me, just out of my reach. I moved my arms up and down and the bubble followed my arm movements. I laughed as the bubble moved when my arms moved. The bubble moved towards the water fountain. Then the bubble popped, sending water splashing to the ground in front of me.

I looked up at Lorica. Her arms were crossed.  Her hair and dress were soaked in water.  She glared at me.

"'Ha, look at Lorica," Audric, the older boy said laughing. Jaxon, the younger boy laughed.

"Oh, stop that Audric," the woman said as she walked over to Lorica. "Be nice to your sister. Lorica, be proud of your little sister. She is stronger than we could have imagined." The woman wrapped her hand around Lorica's shoulder. Lorica glared at me with creased eyebrows. "Let's get you cleaned up."

I watched Lorica stomp off.

I woke up to the sun hitting my face. I felt something wet on my cheek. I wiped my cheek to feel a tear resting on my cheek. It was such a beautiful dream. Giselle and Kat were still asleep in their beds. I stared at the bottom of the top bunk as I replayed the dream. Audric. Jaxon. Lorica. Such familiar names, but I couldn't think of how I knew those names. I pictured their faces. They all looked so similar and familiar, but I didn't know from where.  Were they my family?  Did my parents work for them?  Were these lost memories?

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