Chapter Seven

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Darkness was all around me. I felt the narrow walls of the dark hallway. The walls were made of large, stone bricks. They were cold and rough to touch.

I squinted down the narrow hallway that was barely wider than my shoulders, trying to see anything. No lights around me. I slowly started walking down the hallway. My body trembled with each step. My shoes clicked against the stone floor echoing down the hallway. As I walked down the hallway, I looked for any door.

Boom. A blast from outside the hallway shook the hallway. I put my hands on the stone wall feeling cold, wet stone. My heart pounded as I steadied myself. I placed my cheek against the cool wall. I took a deep breath. Then I continued down the long, dark hallway. I ran my fingers along the brick wall as I slowly walked. Each stone I felt seemed different. Little imperfections in each of the stones.  Bumps and grooves in each stone.

I strained my eyes to see further down the hallway, but I could only see a few feet in front of me. My heart trembled as another blast shook the hallway. I heard screaming outside of the hallway.

"Hello?" I screamed.


"Hello?  Is anyone out there?" I yelled.


I walked a little quicker down the hallway. I kept my hand against the wall. My footsteps echoed louder with each step I took. I heard more screaming with each step I took. The hallway turned a corner. The screams and blasts started to fade as I walked down this dark hallway.

Cobwebs and dirt covered the stone walls. I rubbed my hands on my dress. My shoes splashed into a puddle of water, soaking my feet. I kept walking.

Finally, I saw a sliver of light down the hallway. I walked quickly down the hallway. I started to run towards the light. My wet shoes echoed through the hallway as I ran.

I saw a door with the light coming through the cracks around the door. I pushed the door, but nothing. I pushed the door harder. Nothing. I slammed my whole body against the door. The door flew open. I fell into sand. The salty breeze blew into my nose and lungs. I looked out to see the sandy beach and the ocean. The full moon bounced off the top of the calm ocean water.

I looked behind me. The dark, stone hallway was under a hill. Far away on top of a larger hill was the castle. Large flames engulfing the castle. The flames surrounded the castle like it was suffocating everything inside. I heard loud blasts from the castle and bright lights flash from behind the castle. I heard screaming and crying coming from the castle. Tears ran down my cheeks.

I sat straight up, tears running down my cheeks, screaming in horror. My heart pounded as I tried to catch my breath.

"What wrong?"

I looked down to see Keaton laying on the ground next to me with his arm still around my waist. I squinted my eyes at Keaton to see that he was smiling at me.

"Nothing," I said as I looked away, breathing heavily.  I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. I looked around us. We were still on the hill by the castle. The castle lights were dim and the castle looked empty. "Just a bad dream."

"I'm sorry," Keaton said rubbing my back.

"It's okay. It happens a lot," I said as I thought about the castle burning in my mind. "What time is it?"

"I'm not sure. I fell asleep," he said yawning. "My guess, it is past curfew."

"Shit. Curfew? I gotta go," I said standing up.

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