Chapter Six

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The morning of her travel, she moved as fast as she could. Eventually, she arrived at a place where she could stop to rest.

She was only a few miles away from Trikru territory, and unlike most, she wasn't going to bring her horse to war to die.

She wrote a letter addressed to her grandmother explaining her assignment, and tied it to Icicle's saddle, sending the horse back to Azgeda.

She was smart. She knew the way.

Meanwhile, Snow walked the rest of the way to Tristan's Trikru camp to find a blonde girl running.


But the girl was gone before Snow could ask why she was there in the first place.

"Tristan," Snow growled as she walked through the tent flaps.

"Princess Snowflake. You better be as good a soldier as they say you are," the general smiled, "I'm having scouts watch the camp. You're one of them."

It was a lame and boring job, but Snow nodded and didn't argue.

She grabbed a couple of the spinning disks Trikru were so fond of and clipped them to the back of her belt.

Two more daggers hung at the sides of her belt.

"You look like you could take on an army," one soldier said as she pulled up her hood, "Maybe you should work on growing a little taller first, kid."

"What?" Snow asked.

The warrior turned to face her once again, "We don't send kids to battle. Even if you're a warrior's second."

"Believe it or not, I'm nineteen and my name is Princess Snowflake of Azgeda. Lexa reassigned me to this battle to ensure you don't lose," Snow smirked as the fearful realization crossed his face, "Don't ever call me a child."

The warrior quickly nodded and bolted away.

"I'm like twice your size," Lincoln frowned, "But people don't run from me like that."

"You're a healer," Snow reminded him, "I have a feeling you warned Octavia?"

Lincoln nodded, "We're leaving to cross the ocean. Try to find Floukru."

The peaceful boat clan.

"Good luck," Snow smirked softly.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim," Lincoln said. May we meet again. Sensing her confusion, he added, "Skaikru thing."

Snow shrugged, "Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim."

She slipped through the dark to the trees, which she leapt through Trikru style. This couldn't be traced back to her.

If she wanted to claim a kill, she used a white arrow, straight to the heart.

As she saw the marching children looking for a way out of war, she knew what she had to do. Kill one as a warning.

She threw the disk straight through one of the taller boy's heads. That was Del, if she remembered correctly. New tattoo, she supposed.

The others sprinted back to their camp as fast as possible. Snow didn't want to have to kill any more of them.

They argued about whether to stay or not. They had more of those guns now, which Snow found quite alarming.

Those kids may be outnumbered, but they were certainly not defenseless.

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