Chapter Fifteen

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If Skaikru made just one more rude comment about her, Snow didn't know how she wouldn't go insane.

Bellamy left to infiltrate the mountain, and everyone was now pacing around, trying to calm down.

And their way of calming down involved insults. Lots of them.

"Raven," Snow grabbed the girl's arm, "Stop pacing, he'll be fine."

"Shouldn't you be off with your frosty buddies?" Raven snapped.

That was incredibly harsh, but Snow only flinched at the word 'frosty'. Azgeda warriors were absolute jerks, so no, Snow didn't want to hang out with them.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried," Raven mumbled, "Everyone's stressed."

"Stressing won't help Bellamy," Snow pointed out, "I bet he's fine."

Raven looked up and shook her head, "It's not Bellamy I'm worried about. He madd contact, he's fine."

"Then why are you pacing?"

"Because someone's going to launch a missile on Tondc," Raven said quietly, "I just found out and I don't know what to do. My mom is there, and Octavia is there as Indra's second. Clarke's on her way there."

Snow's eyes widened and she turned to the door to find a guard in her way. Captain Byrne to be precise.

"Get out of my way," Snow snapped.

"I don't think so, kid," the captain frowned.

The guard was on the ground before she drew her next breath. Not dead, but in serious pain.

Snow raced out and realized all the horses were gone.

Which meant she had to run as fast as her short little legs could carry her.

Everyone entered the small underground cavern for the meeting when she arrived.

She was too late.

Fire lit the sky and the village exploded.

There was a moment of stillness as she flew through the air, but when she landed, she hit her head and the fiery world turned dark.

"Kid?" Someone shook her, "Hey, kid! Get up!"

She couldn't move. She was shaking, and she could feel sticky blood on her hands. The voice was Abby Griffin, the doctor.

"My name is Snow," she said with extreme strength for her condition, "What happened?"

"A missile," Abby said, "Can you move?"

Snow realized the blood would reveal who she was, "Trikru can't see me like this."

"What? Bleeding?" Abby asked, "You're human-"

"I'm a nightblood," Snow whispered harshly, "They can't know."

Abby nodded carefully, pulling Snow upright, "Can you walk?"

There were gunshots. Probably a sniper picking off the survivors.

"Probably," Snow nodded, "I'll get past the sniper and steal a horse. Or I'll find someone from your camp."

She slipped out and slowly made her way to the outskirts of the camp, where Raven was waiting.

The girl frowned at Snow, "Your blood-"

"Say nothing of it with Trikru around," Snow hissed, "I need to get to the med bay unnoticed."

Raven helped her into the room and onto an operating table, "What-"

"The bomb in Tondc. I got there just as it exploded. I'll explain more later, but for now all I can tell you is not to let any Trikru in here under any condition unless you can fix my blood."

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