Rebels | Kabal

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Kabal X Female! Human! Reader

[Are these getting better or worse because I cannot tell]

Kabal sets his blades down beside him as he kneels down.

"Hey, hey, (Y/N)?"

You look over at him.

"Kabal? What the fuck are you doing?"

"I wanted to come see you."

"If they find you-" Kabal cuts you off.

"They won't. Come out with me. Please?"

You groan, getting up from your bed. You throw on some easy clothes and follow Kabal out of your tent. You'd been living within S. F. Headquarters for a while now, ever since you forced your way out of the Black Dragon. Kabal didn't want you to leave, but he understood your reasoning. Kano was becoming too much, especially since he never could respect the relationship you and Kabal had and always tried to force himself in the middle of it. Kabal still stuck by your side and would sneak in to see you whenever he could. That means, he woke you up in the middle of the night, CONSTANTLY.

Kabal leads you through the forest to a small campsite. He places his blades down next to the fire pit, which is lit up. He sits down onto the log in front of it and looks at you. You walk over and plant yourself down next to him.

"You set up a camp here?" You question.

"It's been here for a while, but the original owner is gone. I decided to make use of it."

"But you have your home at the Black Dragon."

Kabal chuckles. "Well, you see, (Y/N), I ended up leaving."

"What?! Why?"

"Why not? Kano was constantly up my ass about getting you back and I wasn't having it. Erron helped me get out without Kano knowing. I found this place which was a good distance from S.F. Headquarters and well, rest is history," Kabal explains.

"So you left because of me?"

"I left because of Kano. This lets us be together more anyway."

"But the pay, Kabal. You needed that. I'm barely making anything since I'm just a side quest member and I help clean up."

"We'll find a way, babe, don't worry. Now, enough serious talk, let's have fun." 

Kabal pulls out some board games from the tent along with some alcohol. You two spend hours playing and drinking until you're both nearly passing out. Somehow you had enough wits to make sure to drink water before passing out in the tent next to Kabal.

You wake to the sound of birds and curse at the raging headache. You look beside you and don't notice Kabal. You climb out of the tent looking around for him, but still no sign of the man. You grab another water to chug down and start picking up the mess you two made. Once the games are packed up back into the tent and the alcohol bottles are piled into a group, you start a small fire. You take in the heat while sitting down onto the log.

Leaves crunch and a couple branches break making you look around. You carefully stand, surveying the area. You didn't even think to bring your weapon when you left last night. 

"Babe, it's just me, relax."

You turn to see Kabal coming from behind the tent. He comes over and kisses your head.

"You gotta stop being so jumpy."

"Least I'm not completely careless like somebody."

"I haven't been caught yet, so I think I'm fine."

Kabal places a couple shopping bags down next to the fire. He empties one full of food into his cooler and places the empty alcohol bottles into the bag. He looks up and tosses you a bottle of pain killers from the other bag.

"Figured you'd want that," he states rummaging through the bag.

You take a double dose and sit down on the log watching him. Kabal starts preparing some food, looking back at you to smile.

"You like watching me?"

You giggle. "Does it make you nervous?"

Kabal shakes his head and continues cutting some vegetables. You swap between watching Kabal cook, helping him, cleaning up after him, and watching the fire. You pile more wood onto the fire, wiping the dirt off your hands onto your pants. You set up the cooking grate for Kabal, who places pieces of meat onto it. He places the cut up vegetables onto a big plate with little cups of dip. While Kabal tends to the meat, you eat some pieces of cut up carrot. Kabal takes care of cutting up the meat and handing you some on a plate. 

"Hey, Kabal?" You whisper.

"What's up?"

"Do you think maybe S.F. would help you?"

"I don't think so, babe. I think we're better off trying to find normal jobs and work ourselves up from there. You can continue to be with S.F. if you please."

"I don't wanna leave you out here alone."

"I won't be alone. You'll come see from time to time, yeah?"

You nod as you take a bite of chicken. You both finish eating fairly quickly. You take charge of picking up and let him rest. He zones out watching the fire. After you finish, you sit down next to him. You grab hold of his hand and give it a squeeze.

"We'll make it work, right?" You speak.

Kabal smiles and kisses you passionately. You both stay like this until you hear something move from the woods. Kabal snaps his head in the direction of the sound.

"Oh no."

You look over and immediately stand. Sonya looks between the two of you. You take a few steps towards the woman before she puts her hand up to stop you. 

"Kabal," she calls out.

The man stands and walks a couple steps toward you two.

"You better be treating her right. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask me."

You look at Sonya in shock before looking towards Kabal who has the same expression.

"You would help me?" He questions.

"I vowed to help (Y/N) best I could and I value her well being and happiness. If she loves you and wants to help you, then so do I."

"He's not in the Black Dragon anymore," you blurt out.

Sonya looks at Kabal confused.

"Same reason as her. All Kano," Kabal speaks.

"Would you be willing to spill some info for me? Give me intel?"

"If that's what I must do."

Sonya walks away into the woods without another word. You walk over to Kabal who chuckles. You give him a kiss on the cheek. 

"We can trust her, right?" Kabal asks.

"She hasn't done me any wrong. We'll be fine."

You two spend a couple days cleaning up the camp site before leaving to S.F. Headquarters. Your tent was replaced with a bigger one to fit anything Kabal might have for possessions. Kabal meets with Sonya upon your return. He's gone for hours and you even begin to worry a little. When he finally makes it back to the room, he gives you the biggest hug and a sweet kiss on the lips.

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