Capture | Erron Black

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Erron Black X Female! Human! Reader

Contains: Smut, Gun play

You were assigned a mission from General Blade to go to OutWorld and find Erron Black. You were not told why, but obeyed the orders as it was not your business. It shouldn't be too hard to find him.  You surveyed Kotal Kahn in hopes that he may help lead you to Erron, especially considering they worked alongside each other. It worked out perfectly. You watched the cowboy speak to the Kahn before leaving, heading for the woods completely and utterly alone. 

'Strange. Shouldn't he be bringing at least a couple soldiers along?' you thought. 

You carefully followed him, doing your best to leave enough distance to not alert the man. Erron walked for what felt like miles before he suddenly stopped. You paused, hidden in a giant bush a fair distance away. His fingers twitched near his gun, his head turning slowly to observe the area. His eyes passed over the bush you hid in, but he didn't seem to notice you. 

"Stop hiding and face me!" Erron called out loudly. 

You carefully made your way from the bush, circling around him, while keeping yourself as hidden as possible. Erron quickly pulled one of his guns from its holster, pointing it straight at you. Knowing there was no way you'd be able to run, you stood up, putting your hands in the air. 

"Who are you and why are you following me?" He pried.

"I was sent by General Blade to obtain you. My name is (Y/N)."

Erron snickered before moving closer to you. "Oh? And why's that, (Y/N)?"

"General Blade didn't tell me any details. She only directed that I bring you back to EarthRealm," you explained.

Erron placed his gun under your chin, forcing you to look at him. He scanned your face first, then lowered his eyes as he observed your body. They stopped when they spotted your weapon. 

"How about we make a deal?" Erron finally said, looking back at your eyes. 

"What kind of deal?" You questioned.

"I'll willingly go with you, but only if you do something for me." 

You should resist the pleas of a deal, but Erron's gun, which was placed at your neck, posed more than just a casual threat. It was causing a small tingle inside you and you were unsure of how obvious it was to the man who stood in front of you.

"What do you want?" You asked as calmly as possible.

Erron used his free hand to pull down his mask. The smirk on his face told you everything. He could tell you liked the gun. He grabbed your weapon from your body and threw it behind him.

"Don't worry, darling, you won't need that," Erron purred, moving his gun to your temple. "On your knees." 

"What?" You mumbled.

"Knees. Now," Erron said, lightly pushing the gun. 

The small tingle hit you again as the gun pressed into your temple more. Slowly, you got down onto your knees and looked up at the cowboy. Erron's open hand carefully grabbed your head, pushing it towards his crotch. You took in a deep breath, putting your hands on his pants and pulling them down. Erron watched your every move as you exposed his member. You hesitated for a moment, hoping it would cause him to push the gun against you again.

Erron groaned as he did just that, "Come on, doll." 

You looked at him for a moment before grabbing his base. You gave a teasing lick to his tip, stroking his shaft while focusing your tongue on the head of his cock. That was until he pulling back on the hammer. 

"Is this what you want?" Erron questioned. 

Looking at him, you nodded and finally put his member into your mouth. You slowly bobbed your head back and forth at a fair pace. Erron's empty hand tangled its way into your hair, guiding you down onto him as you bobbed. He began to let out groans and the occasional moan causing more tingles inside you. You planted both hands onto his member and as you bobbed, stroked the parts of his member that left your mouth. You focused back to his tip, rubbing against his slit which was now spilling pre-cum. 

You felt both of Erron's hands grab your head, pushing you down as he bucked up into your mouth. Your eyes started welling in tears, but you let Erron continue to fuck your mouth to his pleasure. His groans became more frequent the closer he got to his high, your hands resting on his hips while they moved. 

"You," Erron paused with a groan. "You better swallow." 

Once he finished his sentence, his cum came flowing into your mouth and down your throat. Erron kept thrusting until he came down from his high and pulled his member from your mouth. He watched you swallow his load, just as you had been told. Erron pulled his pants back up as you stood and began walking towards your weapon.

"Hey!" Erron called out, making you stop and look at him. "That's staying with me until we get to EarthRealm." 

You huffed, "Why?"

"So you don't get any funny ideas," he grabbed the weapon before you could and began to walk. 

"We don't speak of this to anyone," you whisper, jogging to catch up with him.

"I might speak about it," Erron muttered.

You snapped your head and glared at him.

"I just won't mention your name."

"That doesn't make it better," you sighed.

Once you both reached the portal to EarthRealm, Erron paused his movements.

"I hope whatever Ms. Blade needs me for doesn't end with me dead," Erron stated.

"I was told to bring you back alive," you reassured.

Erron handed you your weapon before going through the portal. You followed behind him and lead him towards S.F. Headquarters where General Blade would be waiting near the entrance for your return. 

"General Blade," you called out. "I brought Erron as you requested."

General Blade looked towards the two of you as you neared. Her eyes glared at Erron for a few seconds before she turned to a couple soldiers lingering around her.

"Take him to the cells," she commanded. 

"I hope we meet again," Erron quickly whispered into your ear before the soldiers dragged him away.

"What was that about?" Sonya pressed with concern.

"Just nonsense."

You excused yourself and headed to your tent where you sat down on your bed. Your thoughts floated back to Erron. As much as you wished you could deny it, something about Erron caused a spark inside you. Your hand softly gripped the inside of your thigh as the events in OutWorld replayed in your head. 

'Not now, (Y/N). We can't,' you thought. 

Yet, you couldn't help it. Thinking of Erron, his eyes, his voice, his gun. It made you hot. Your fingers brushed over your crotch. 

'Maybe just a little?' 

"(Y/N)?" Takeda called out, poking his head into your tent.

"Yes, Takeda?" You questioned, your hand laying firmly on your knee.

"Want to come train?" Takeda asked.


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