the cycle of kindness

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My mother always told me to be kind to everyone as what we give is what we will receive.

Kindness is something powerful and it got its own cycle. When you do kindness to people, it will come back to you in a bigger thing. It could be a bigger blessing to you. Kindness happens when we received blessing and we share it to everyone that we love. You may think your blessing will be empty or you got no more blessing as you gave it to everyone throughout your kindness act but no, there is a cycle for kindness, you give more, you got more.

There was a story of mine. I was not a very clever student, I worked hard just to be who I was in every examination but there were a power that I have which is sharing. When I learned something new, like a new formula or new fact, I always share it to someone no matter who they are because I was thinking that I could remember this formula or fact more when I share it to someone and yes, it works on me. I never lose any knowledges when I share it to someone else but I gain more. So same goes to kindness, when you share something with someone, you never lose anything but you are gaining something soon. You may never see it buy maybe the reason why you got a new car today is because you helped a blind person to cross on the road, maybe the reason why you got a great grade today is because you smiled to everyone in your school, you never know the reason behind your blessing but it must be because of your kindness.

Share as much as you can. No matter it is small or big, share it all to everyone. You may underestimate your small action now but God never underestimate it, you may gain something big in the future. Never think about having lost by doing kindness because that is never true. Always remember that when you give more, you gain more.

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