Author's Note

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Hi there!

I'm so glad you've decided to join me on this journey! I hope you enjoy this tale of love, friendship and the ups and downs that come with them!

There are few things I wanted to take you through before we begin:

- This is a multiple-narrative story. This means that while it is in first person view, not every chapter is narrated by the same person. It may alternate, for example, like this:

Chapter 1 - Charlie
Chapter 2 - Nick
Chapter 3 - Tao
Chapter 4 - Tara

Or something like that.

Another thing to note is that I am English, so the language may be different to what some of you are used to. For example, the many differences between words. Chips are crisps, fries are chips and so on. Pants are trousers. Underpants are generally just pants. Cookies are biscuits and biscuits are scones. Garbage is litter and we generally refer to a garbage can as a bin. Also, yes, there will be a lot of tea consumption :)

Thanks for reading this author's note, and I really hope you enjoy reading this fanfiction, however long it will be. I haven't really decided yet. Also I have absolutely zero plan as to how this story goes, so I am just making it up on the spot.

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think and give me feedback in the comments! I can take some criticism, I actually quite like it!

I may occasionally add small author's notes during a chapter if I need to explain or clarify something, or I might put an asterisk by the word or phrase, with the explanation at the bottom of the chapter.

Have fun!

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