Chapter 5 - Oliver

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Was I hearing correctly? Charlie and Nick were getting married? This was the best news I'd ever heard! I had always wanted them to get married someday, because to me it meant that they would stay together forever! I wanted to be the best man and it would end happily ever after... even though I know that real life isn't like that. I'd had my fair share of relationships that lasted about a week to know what I was talking about.

I remembered the first time I met Nick. Charlie had already been round his house once, and I was about six, I think. Mum, Dad, Tori and I had just come back from doing the weekly food shop - I remembered being grumpy because Charlie got to get out of it - and when we came in I saw Charlie in the kitchen talking with a taller, bigger blond boy. I got very excited because I loved meeting new people. I'm a little more introverted now, but I still try to socialise a healthy amount.

Charlie and Nick weren't dating at that point, but we all knew Charlie was gay, so I still got hopeful. Imagine how happy I was when I found out all my prayers had been answered! Nick and Charlie were finally a couple! And now they were getting married! Like, actually married! With a wedding and everything! If I was very very good until the wedding, maybe Charlie would pick me to be best man? I made a vow right then and there to be as good as gold for as long as it took!

I'd always loved weddings. I couldn't really express why, I just loved them. The outfits were all so wonderful, and it always felt so... elegant. Everyone always looked immaculate and the decorations were lovely. And the reception! The buffet with those tiny finger foods that always made me feel so fancy! And drinking grape juice out of a tall glass and pretending it was wine! Weddings were like my dream come true, but I'd never actually been to one before. And now I'd get to! I just had to make sure that the wedding definitely went ahead. I had to do everything in my power to stop Charlie and Nick splitting up before then.

It baffled me that Tori didn't seem anywhere near as excited as me. I mean, I got that Tori never got excited about anything and hated most things... but how can you hate a wedding? Not that she didn't seem happy for them; she was plenty happy. It was just that she didn't seem too bothered about the wedding itself.

I wished I could someday have a wedding, but I didn't think I'd ever get that far. I fell in love too easily and always let my guard down. My past girlfriends had always let me down in some way or another, and I was starting to get sick of it. My friends and family wondered why I didn't just swear off girls, but the thing was, I knew that the one for me was out there somewhere. I just had to be patient and eventually I would find her.

First, there was Kitty. A real charmer, with her auburn hair and green eyes that shone brighter than the sun. She had such a fun-loving, cheery personality. She was the first one that I loved. I was sure we'd be together forever, though I'd thought that with all my girlfriends. We dated for a grand total of two weeks before I discovered that she'd been going around with another boy behind my back. I had been willing to put it behind us - we were twelve, after all - but she told me that she didn't think we could make it work.

Then there was Shelly. She was a different kind of girl, with a very outgoing attitude and stormy grey eyes that matched her fierce nature. But beneath all that hostility was a real girl, a proper nice girl with a proper nice personality. She took me on adventures, and she showed me so many things I'd never experienced before. She taught me to skateboard and took me to my first ever racecar tournament. I thought she was the coolest fourteen-year-old I'd ever met. But apparently I wasn't cool enough for her.

My next girlfriend was named Jessie, and she was the one I genuinely missed the most. In fact, I think we probably would still have been together if not for her moving away. She had brown hair and brown eyes and glasses, and was good at reading and robotics. She liked Lego and made robots out of it. She was well-mannered and polite, but she had a crazy side too. She wasn't just my girlfriend, she was one of my best friends too. But, yeah, she moved away. And I was heartbroken, but we stayed in touch. We didn't date any more, but we still had a solid friendship.

I had a couple more girlfriends, but none that meant as much to me as those first three did. And now, at sixteen, I was currently single. And I might not have a date for prom, which would be a nightmare. But I was still happy for Charlie and Nick. At least they had found each other.

Wow, four chapters in one day?? That's insane! Honestly, expect a lot more. I'm very bored and my mind is kind of buzzing with ideas.

Oh, and Hufflegirl2020 ... does that third girlfriend sound familiar to you? Yeah? That's right, Jessie. I based her on you. You're one of my best friends and most loyal Wattpad followers, so I figured you deserved it. :) Keep being wonderful, my friend!

Oh and by the way you do have brown eyes, right? I kind of assumed you did but sorry if I'm wrong lmao

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