Chapter 4 - Nick

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I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't even have a ring, dammit! It was just a spur-of-the-moment decision that seemed right! Honestly, I was kind of shocked that Charlie even said yes. I was worried I'd come on too strong, or that he wasn't ready. I didn't want to scare him off. But he accepted! This was the best feeling in the world; I honestly felt like I was in heaven. This was my absolute dream come true! I loved Charlie so much, and now we were sealing that bond once and for all.

Of course, it would be a slow process. We had to call up our family and friends, and pick a venue and a date and clothes and food and obviously what roles everyone was going to play and... wow. This was going to take a long time.

We decided not to tell our friends until at least tomorrow, because this day was supposed to be all about Elle, and we didn't really feel like upstaging her. Elle deserved a day all to herself. Elle was so amazing that the rest of us had all made a secret pact to protect her with our lives at all costs.

The one thing I did do was call my mum. She had a right to know and it wasn't like she hated Charlie or anything. She loved him! She always made him tea every time we visited and he was the only person she ever broke out the biscuits for.

'Hi Mum!' I said when she answered the phone on the second ring.
'Hello, Nicky! Is everything okay? How's everything at yours? How's Charlie doing?' I laughed.
'Charlie's fine, Mum. I actually called because I want to tell you something.' I should have been nervous to tell her, right? The funny thing was - I wasn't! I was just excited mostly!

'Oh, no! What's happened? Is little Daisy okay? Is everything alright with Charlie's family?'
'Mum! Everything's fine! It's good news, I promise!'
'Oh! Well then, what is it?'
'Um... Charlie and I are getting married.' There was silence on the other end for a moment and I thought Mum had maybe dropped the phone or fainted or something. But then I heard a loud gasp.
'Baby, that's wonderful! Do you know when?'
'No, we haven't really thought about the details yet. I'm guessing not for a while, though.'
'Has Charlie told his family?'
'Ah, not yet. He's making tea at the minute but he'll call them afterwards. I get the feeling little Oliver will be very happy!' I smiled fondly at the memory of Charlie's younger brother Oliver, even though he would be sixteen by now! Time really does fly by.
'Will you be inviting David?' I frowned. My older brother David and I didn't really have the best of relationships. The last time I saw him was a couple of years ago, and, as usual, he wouldn't stop making homophobic comments and claiming that bisexual doesn't exist. I hate him for that because I can vouch that it does indeed exist.

'No. I don't think I will invite him. I'll invite Dad, though. If he can make it up here. You know how he can be sometimes.'
'That's okay, honey. At least you know I'll be coming, presuming I'm invited?' That made me laugh out loud. Other than Charlie, my mum was the number one person I'd want there!
'Of course you're invited! Maybe I'll call Dad now, tell him the good news!'
'Good idea, Nicky. Have fun! Bye now!' And with that, Mum was gone.

Instead I dialled up my Dad's number and waited for him to pick up. Thankfully, he answered. He's not the best with phone calls.
'Salut, Papa!' I said, switching my brain into French mode*.
'Bonjour Nick! Comment est tout?'
'Oui, tout va bien! J'ai en fait de bonnes nouvelles dont je voulais vous parler!'
'Ah, excitant! Qu'est-ce que c'est?'
'Eh bien... Charlie et moi sommes fiancés!'
'Oh... vraiment?'
'Oui, vraiment. Est-ce OK?'
'Oui, bien sûr, ça va. Je ne m'y attendais pas. Depuis combien de temps sortez-vous ensemble?'
'Dix ans, Papa. Nous sortons ensemble depuis dix ans. Je pense qu'il est probablement temps, ne pensez-vous pas?'
'Oui bien sûr. Je suis content pour toi. Toutes nos félicitations.'
'Alors... viendras-tu au mariage?'
'Si je peux y arriver, oui.'
'D'accord. On se parle plus tard. Je t'aime. Au revoir.'
'Au revoir.' And with that, he hung up the phone. I couldn't say I was surprised - Dad wasn't the most reliable - but I was still disappointed. He couldn't even remember that Charlie and I had been dating for ten years! I just hoped he wasn't busy with work on the wedding day. It would be one thing to not have your brother there, but your father...

*Nick's dad is French and lives in Paris, so he and Nick primarily speak in French.

Translation of the phone call:
'Hey, Dad!'
'Hello Nick! How is everything?'
'Yes, everything's fine! I actually have good news I wanted to tell you about!'
'Ah, exciting! What is it?'
'Well... Charlie and I are engaged!'
'Oh... really?'
'Yes, really. Is that okay?'
'Yes, of course it's okay. I just wasn't expecting it. How long have you two been dating?'
'Ten years, Dad. We've been dating for ten years. I think it's about time, don't you reckon?'
'Yes of course. I'm happy for you. Congratulations.'
'So... will you be coming to the wedding?'
'If I can make it, yes.'
'Okay. Talk to you later. Love you. Bye.'

Wow, three chapters in one day! I am on fire!

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