Chapter 128 - Threats

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'Wuxian was back in his room. He saw the woman that haunted his feverish thoughts a while ago embracing his soul-bond. This time around, he couldn't help but choke up a little over how beautiful his daughter is going to be when she grows up. The frozen scene was interrupted by his future self: "You did it." Wuxian turned to look at the man: "Did what?" His future self started to fade slowly: "You changed the future." Wuxian moves closer to the fading man: "I stopped the darkness?" His future self shakes his head: "You stopped Shenhua Clan. I don't know how to stop the darkness. It's up to you to figure it out." Wuxian watches his future self fade as the man watches his daughter and soul-bond with longing. A single happy tear escaped the last remnant of the inked man and he whispered his last words: "They look so happy.. Thank you." Wuxian drinks in the scene before him, vowing to do everything in his power to see this future come true.'

Wuxian woke up feeling rested. He didn't remember falling asleep in the first place. He peered his eyes open to see Liwei pacing around his room while carrying his daughter. He was rocking the subdued girl, humming and rubbing her back as she rests her head on his shoulder. He's probably trying to get her to sleep, but it didn't seem like it's working because of the sniffs coming from the exhausted looking girl. Wuxian sits up and smiles at the man: "Give me my baby."

Liwei sighs loudly with relief and hands the girl to Wuxian. Hweiru immediately clings to him and rests her head on his shoulder, instantly giving in to sleep.

Liwei's mouth hung open: "How did you do that? I've been rocking her for almost an hour and she wouldn't fall asleep!"

Wuxian chuckles while rubbing his daughter's back: "My smell comforts her."

Liwei flops down, sitting next to Wuxian's bed: "It is true then. Mothers have special powers."

Wuxian glares at him then looks around: "Not that I don't appreciate your company, but where is everyone else?"

Liwei leans closer: "Busy."

Wuxian narrows his eyes: "With what?"

Liwei sighs: "Handling the shit show that your display created."

Wuxian: "The Slayer lost. How is that a 'shit show'?"

Liwei: "I'm not talking about the Slayer vs Wen Ning fight. I'm talking about the big elephant thingy."

Wuxian looks down at his snake that was slithering happily around his body: "Da Ziran?"

Liwei: "Yup."

Wuxian groans: "Why are you being difficult? Tell me what's happening in full sentences."

Liwei shrugs: "I'm not! I don't know what the old geezers are mad about. It seems like they just want a reason to argue. Lan Zhan and Zewu Jun have been stuck in the main hall for almost an hour trying to calm them down."

Wuxian sighs, moving the blankets aside and putting his feet on the ground. Liwei puts his hands up to stop the man from getting up: "Where are you going?"

Wuxian: "To placate the 'old geezers'."

Liwei shakes his head: "Lan Zhan will kill me if I let you out of bed! I have strict instructions: Protect Wei Ying. Make sure Wei Ying eats. Don't let Wei Ying leave the room."

Wuxian stares blankly at him: "You think you can stop me after seeing the.. 'Big elephant thingy'?"

Liwei thinks of it for a second then says: "At least eat first, so I have two out of three instructions done."

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