Shoutout time

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Hi everyone do first thing is I made a clone trooper one shot where you can request any clones including the bad batch to have their own story line thing.... you know one shot thing.

Anyway I'm here to give a shoutout to someone who might be famous everywhere they read story. (Because it said by most people they seen them everywhere)

Congratulations Rainbow2079  your famous now and you have been noticed by me now and for that I decided to give you a special treat boys

Wolffe: * pulles up his shirt and puts water on his abbs*

Rex and Cody: *spray water at each other while cleaning cars*

Echo: *takes off his shirt and walks up and lap dances*

Fives: *licks your neck while lap dancing*

Waxer and boil* pole dances sextallly*

Jesse: *puts something in his mouth then puts it in your mouth*

I hope you liked that shirt entertainment more will come soon and feel free to request anything on this one shot any my bad batch o e shot

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